GRE Subject Test--English Lit. I'm NOT an English Major!

<p>I am applying to several graduate programs in print journalism and one program in English, which has a Writing Emphasis Track.
I just realized I am required to take the GRE Subject Test. </p>

<p>The problem--I majored in International Business and Spanish in undergrad and the only literature courses I took were Spanish Lit or during high school.</p>

<p>Do I have any chance of not completely bombing the Subject Test? How would I even begin to study? I have until August 1 to take it, but will I compare to students that majored in English and took MANY semesters worth of literature? Do I need focus on studying for this test for the next several months? Because that will be extremely overwhelming.
Any advice? Has anyone else entered/tried to enter an MA program in English without being an English major?</p>

<p>Will you be at a huge disadvantage if you don’t study? Absolutely, unless you’re familiar with everything from medieval lit to post-modern lit. I hear that theory is a major focus now, as well. If it makes you feel any better, most English majors also have to put in a lot of time studying.</p>

<p>I’m an English major, and I have already started to study for the test. (By the way, it’s only offered 3x/year, so you’ll have to take it in April because it won’t be offered again until October). I was told to read broadly but not necessarily deeply-- so skim through Norton Anthologies, be able to characters and themes in major novels, be able to recognize lines from the most important poems, but don’t spend your time reading entire plays. Vade Mecum helped me to narrow my focus ([Vade</a> Mecum: Home](<a href=“]Vade”></p>