<p>Quick, before they change it, to to Marywood.edu. Someone took over the college's website, but in a humorous and harmless way. It's adorable!</p>
<p>Too cute! Thanks for the heads up. (Now I’m a little sad DS#1’s LAC appears not to have a sense of humor. Also makes me think DS#2 should have applied to Marywood!)</p>
<p>Thanks. It was cute. I’m surprised Google doesn’t have anything going on–they usually do something!</p>
<p>My daughter says the profs are all laughing about it, so the admin is taking it in stride. It’s also highly possible that the administration actually changed the website themselves - it’s a really great school in many ways.</p>
<p>This is so great!!!
Thanks for sharing!</p>
I believe that was school sponsored. :)</p>
<p>Google did something…Gmail Motion and a job posting for an autocompleter. </p>
<p>[Gmail</a> Motion BETA](<a href=“http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html]Gmail”>http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html)
[Google</a> motion; Huffington Post paywall; Royal wedding live blog: April Fool’s Day galleria - BlogPost - The Washington Post](<a href=“http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/google-motion-huffington-post-paywall-royal-wedding-live-blog-april-fools-day-galleria/2011/04/01/AFdGulGC_blog.html]Google”>http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/blogpost/post/google-motion-huffington-post-paywall-royal-wedding-live-blog-april-fools-day-galleria/2011/04/01/AFdGulGC_blog.html)</p>
<p>Of course I heard about Gmail motion over on a Parent Cafe thread. I love CC!</p>
<p>I haven’t perused it yet but thinkgeek usually does something too: [ThinkGeek</a> :: Stuff for Smart Masses](<a href=“http://www.thinkgeek.com/]ThinkGeek”>http://www.thinkgeek.com/)</p>
<p>Thanks Dean J. I somehow missed the google one (I think my brain is playing an april fools joke on me because that’s been happening all day!). The other links are great, too!</p>
<p>SO cute!!! Thanks for passing this along!</p>