Greatest biology colleges/universities?

<p>For the just above average student(GPA 3.8ish and ACT 27) what schools are considered above the rest? </p>

<p>Biology/Enviornmental Studies/Ecology</p>

<p>Where have all the good schools gone?</p>

<p>university of wisconsin-madison is pretty awesome, it depends though, what you want, because theyare kind of stingy with money for out-of-staters. this fall, im going to oberlin because i heard they have a wonderful environmental studies program. you might want to check it out (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;). University of ORegon has a bunch of different yet similar ecology-ish majors. You really have to check out the schools individually, even if they seem too big/small. I would have loved to go to Madison, but, then again, too pricey.</p>

<p>Try looking at the website and click on the "Top Biology Programs" link on the left hand side. It has a list of the top programs broken down by West, Central and East. It lists more than just the obvious top ones like Stanford.</p>

<p>Heh try U of I. We have a lot of pre-med students here. You always have Chicago. You better just check the ratings tho.</p>

<p>Penn State has good bio program? NONSENSE!
I attend here and the bio. major is known as crappy.</p>