<p>So a lot of people have PMed me asking questions about Groton. Instead of answering the same questions 4-7 times I thought I would start a thread...
Groton had 25% more applicants than last year.
They accept anywhere from 35-50 ninth grade applicants.
The eigth grade class is the biggest the school has ever had. There are 17 girl day students. There were 9 girls (including day and board) two years ago)
The school will not enlarge grade 9 to accomadate for the large 8th grade which means less new 9th graders
about 10 new 17 new 10th graders were accepted last year.
This is not a fact but they will most likely be accepting less day students for 9th grade next year as in previous years
The same or more 10th graders will be accepted
Dress code is semi-casual, collared shirts for guys and no tee shirts for girls. No jeans
The school doesn't just accept "SUPER SMART SUPER RICH" kids. I am on full finacial aid as with many of my friends and am far from super smart.
The food is AMAZING
Campus is GORGEOUS
weekends are really fun, even with saturday classes (the most you'll every have is three )
Sports are really picking up (two teams made playoff this season, GO GIRLS HOCKEY =])
The drama program is amazing, our performing arts center is 3 years old
The dorms are really nice, the 3/4 walls for 8th and 9th graders is actually really fun
The school is tucked away yet you can walk in to town whenever
Teachers and Staff are really great</p>
<p>thanks neprepgoer!. sorrry haha but ive got another question. my admissions person said that i could apply as either day or boarder, which i did, so that im not put into the small amount of spots open that they have for day students. (i live pretty close to the school so it wouldnt be a big deal either way) do you think this was a good idea?</p>
<p>Yes! That is a great idea. I know of two girls in my grade that applied as either and would have been waitlisted if they had only applied as day students.</p>
<p>I got a question...When i went for my interview, some one said the school was going to start an interscholastic swim team this winter, rather than a swim club like this year. Did you hear anything about this?</p>
<p>okk, i've got a question;
last year did you check online
to see if you got in, or wait for
the mail? what did you get in the mail?
a big packet, or a letter? did you get
anything, like a bumper sticker?</p>
<p>Herculez.... I am not really sure about the swim team. I have a friend on it and I know they compete with Nashoba Valley swim club(the local swim club) but I am not sure if they play other schools or clubs or what...But apparently they did pretty well this year
Preppp....I looked online.. last year the 10th was on a sunday and there was no way I was going to wait =] When I finally got my letter in the mail it was just one sheet of paper saying I got in. The exact same thing as online only a hard copy. Then the next day I got a packet containing things that my parents needed to fill out, if I accepted my invitation to go, and a bumper sticker=] Then about three days later I got my finacial aid package in the mail. So if you letter is small... DON'T PANIC =]</p>
<p>Was it?
Hmmm....that doesn't make sense...but maybe you're right
all I remember was that I had a basketball game and I skipped it to see if I got in =]</p>
<p>I, along with another parent, visited Groton in last spring, in order to decide if we want our sons to apply for 8th grade this fall. We were impressed by most parts of the school, except the science classrooms/labs. They are small, dark and crowded, especially in contrast to the brand new athletic center. It seems to both of us, an indication of where the effort and money the school wanted to put on first. And also, with some 30 AP courses offered, I was shocked to learn that they didn’t have Chinese. </p>
<p>At the end, both of us decided to pass this fall’s application and rethink about Groton for another year.</p>
<p>Grotons size is my favorite part of the school. I would not pass it up for anything. It is great to be able to walk anywhere on Campus and know everyone by first name. You also create that much bigger of relationships with everyone, from seniors to freshman, everyone knows each other and everyone has some sort of relationship with everyone</p>
<p>In regards to Faymom: Our science wing is very lacking, you are correct. What you probably don’t know however, is that we are redoing them either this summer or next, so we will have new labs and classroom in, at the most, two years! Also on the note about Chinese offered, we started offering it this year! It was a huge success right off the bat and there are about 15 kids taking it, which when you think about the size of our school, the difficulty of the class and the fact that it is a new course offered, is a lot!</p>
<p>The fact that you would say that Groton puts more money into sports than academics is almost comical. Groton is an academic school, it competes with the Andovers and Exeters of the world, and cares about doing so. Please don’t think our academics are lacking, in any sense</p>
<p>I have to agree with NEPrepgoer here. The implication that Groton values anything over scholarship is almost comical. I have never heard anyone say that academics at Groton were anything less than “intense.” I also get the sense that that is what the students there crave and what they thrive on.</p>
<p>Thanks for the updates, looks like things are changing to the better. </p>
<p>Groton has always been an academic school in my mind, that is why I was so surprised to see the unbalance between its academic facilities and athletic center.</p>
<p>What do you think of the book “Prep”, written by a Groton graduate?</p>
<p>I have never read the book but I do have friends that read it. There are a lot of aspects to the book that are similar to the school, such as “assassin” (now called the super fun sticker game) which is played every spring, but from what I heard a lot of things were exagerated</p>