<p>I dont't know where to post this so I'll just post this here: Is Groton really 30K a year? My professor what showing some stats on this boarding school and she indicated that 88% of its students get accepted into Harvard and that the admission committe at Harvard consists of a Groton chairperson. Can someone fill me in on this school...it sounds really interesting.</p>
<p>Groton is an amazing school. It is nearly $40,000 per year to attend, however they offer financial aid to about 30% of the student body. The offer many courses for their size as well. </p>
<p>88% of the Groton graduating class does not get accepted into Harvard. That figure is ridiculous. I think about 30% of the graduates matriculate to an ivy league university.</p>
<p>What makes you want to attend Groton? What grade you in? Are you considering applying there?</p>
<p>They have a website, you know. Just type in Groton School in google and you can find it.</p>
<p>I advise you to post this in the Prep School Admissions Forum. I believe there are a few people on CC that attend Groton, as well.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Yeah, there is no way Groton sends that many students to Harvard.</p>
<p>I believe Philips Exeter Acadamy sends the most, though I don't really know about these things.</p>