Grades have always stressed me out. I’m in a class that I kind of slacked on this semester so I need a good grade on this last project to do as well as I want in the class. It’s a group project due Monday at 1:30. The other two members of my group haven’t put forth any effort to do their part on this project. Last class I told them to just email me their part and I’d do the work (which I’m not obligated to do) and put it in the presentation. They said they’d do it over the holiday break and send it to me. It’s Sunday and neither has emailed!! It’s individually graded so I don’t think they’re 0 will effect my grade, but it’ll still look embarrassing and bad when we have to present. I’m looking for any way to fix this!! Any tips?
Well, it is almost Sunday, right? Call or text if you have their info at about 9 am their local time.
Do your part, cite your work, let them be embarrassed. Unless they come through at the 11th hour, there isn’t much else you can do.
Do the presentation, but just put your name on it. If they ask why, say it is because you are the only one who did work on it.
@HaleyN1313 How did it go?
miraculously, one member sent me their portion in the middle of the night before the project was due. the other one sent it to me after THREE reminders from both me and the other member about an hour and a half before class started. I roasted them in our peer reviews and I got an A on my portion of the project.
Good for you! Glad it worked out in your favor and you weren’t unnecessarily penalized. @HaleyN1313