Guaranteed Admission?

<p>Hello to everyone out there, thanks to all who will dedicate some time to read this and even more to those who will answer. Have you heard about NOVA? (Northern Virginia community college), A friend of mine recommended this site to me and asked to have a close look at the guaranteed admissions to VA Tech. It turns out that there is a statement mentioning guaranteed admissions policies as a transfer student from this CC to the VA tech college of engineering. Has anyone experimented this before? Or do you know anyone who may have been accepted this way? I would like to mention that I am an international student planning to major in Electrical Engineering and I look forward to attend a good Engineering college. VA tech seems to have very nice EE programs but also is very selective for internationals so I was considering starting at this CC before, to save money then transfer and graduate from VA tech. By the way, Do you know any other good university who may have a policy like that? Thanks in advance to all.</p>

<p>Most universities in the state of virginia have guaranteed admissions agreements with the virginia community college system. you can contact either college, and they will tell you what classes to take while at the community college and what gpa you need to be a part of the guaranteed agreement.</p>

<p>[Virginia</a> Community College System | Undergraduate Admissions | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Virginia”></p>

<p>George Mason University offers the same thing!</p>

<p>here the link: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>should be all of the info you need. as long as NOVA CC is part of the system, which I am sure they are!</p>

<p>One bit of caution – If you follow the process exactly and do it 100% right, then they’re supposed to accept you. But if you slip up anywhere and do it only 99% right, some schools can use that as an excuse to keep you out. I’ve heard stories of at least one school (not Tech) who plays by those rules.</p>

<p>Guaranteed admission, as long as you have a certain GPA - varies by school.</p>

<p>NOT GUARANTEED to graduate in two years from the four-year institution, especially a program like EE with its long prerequisite track.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Hey, Im a sophomore at NOVA and in my last semester about to graduate. The guaranteed program is NOT only about GPA, and certain colleges at VT have different standards for the guaranteed admission agreement. General admission guaranteed is 3.4, however a guaranteed admission into the college of engineering is a 3.0. KEEP IN MIND: you MUST complete the two year program at nova, meaning you will have to get your associates in whichever engineering program you’re majoring in and you also have to send in a letter of intent. Look up the Guaranteed Admissions Agreement for the college of engineering on VT’s website.</p>

<p>And also, as stated, most colleges in Virginia all have a G.A.A. </p>

<p>I was talking to a counselor at NOVA last week who told me most people dont really even transfer under the agreements because most people dont have the GPA or dont intend on graduating. Hope this helped1</p>