Guess Clemson's Tuition Rate For Next Year.........

<p>So I'm officially going to Clemson University next year (yay!) but there's still one thing I have no clue what I am going to have to pay for tuition next year till July. South Carolina, from what I have heard, is one of the leaders in cutting funding for higher education and the fact that the state is broke and refuses federal stimulus budget is startling.</p>

<p>Clemson refuses unlike other schools to give an estimate to what tuition is going to be next year. It would be nice to know so that I can find ways of how to cover that cost for next year.</p>

<p>Given the state of the economy in South Carolina, the cuts in higher education in the state and the historical increases in tuition I am going to post below, can anybody make a good guess as to what tuition would cost for an out-of-state student this coming year?</p>

<p>2009: ?
2008: $24,130
2007: $21,800
2006: $19,824
2005: $18,440
2004: $16,404
2003: $14,532
2002: $12,932
2001: $11,284
2000: $9,784</p>

<p>Yeah, the South Carolina governor is clueless. Why would you refuse money for education? Especially considering SC has the country’s worst public schools (Elementary-High School).</p>

<p>A lot of the money would go towards teachers salaries for ONE year, after that year where does the money come from? The taxpayers so that means taxes would be increased, which nobody likes.</p>

<p>And honestly if giving a teacher more money makes them teacher better something is morally wrong.</p>

<p>Increasing teacher pay allows schools to hire better teachers.</p>

<p>lol@south carolina for simply wrong education policies and john calhoun.</p>