Guys i need help I'm freaking out over my SAT 2 scores

<p>So last year in June of my junior year I took 3 sat 2, and well I didnt do so good. For one I didnt prepare nearly as much. I took the test us to chem to math 1. And my scores got smaller and smaller. I started off good with a 750 US but then panicked and ended up getting a 600 on chem and a 550 on math. Now then i though all colleges did score choice and I was using this as a practice to take them later. But now I found out Cornell doesnt do score choice and I feel like Im screwed. Im going to retake chem in november and I'm almost positve I can get a 750+ on it, but I really dont want to take math 1 again. So Im taking SAT 1 in october and am hoping for 700+ in math will that make up for the subject test score? Im so stressed guys will these two low scores ruin my app?</p>

<p>Come on guys does any one have any input???</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure Cornell doesn’t use score choice for subject tests, only SAT I. Don’t quote me on that though.</p>

<p>I wish that was the truth, but on there websites they directly stated sat subject tests too. But random question, but would Cornell know if i sent them only my US subject test and my retake of chem? I know its dishonest but would they find out?</p>

<p>Take Math II also. It’s easier IMO than Math I since it’s mostly calculator based and the curve is generous. If you get a mid-high 700 in math II then that should make up for your Math I. I got a 560 in MAth I and then a 780 in Math II (other scores- 710 Physics and 700 U.S) and still got admitted to cornell (college of engineering)</p>

<p>Thanks for the info both of you, but cortana you need calc for math 2 right? My school is weird because while in other schools I would be taking a full year of pre calc now, in mine the other course offered is half a year of cat(college algebra and trig) and the latter half is pre calc. So I wont know any calc going into it.</p>

<p>I scored a 760 on US History, a 680 on Math II, and something like a 230 on Literature. I bubbled D for every answer on the Literature section because I thought I had signed up for English Language. So I have the same question. Can I send in the first two scores without the Lit score?</p>

<p>If I remember correctly you don’t need any calculus for math II. You can always buy a prep book and go through that to see what you need help on/to learn. I definitely recommend Barron’s book, the material is a lot more difficult than the actual test</p>

<p>Thanks for the info but can anyone answer Invilliers question about not sending all subject test scores?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure when you select which test you send to colleges, all your scores associated with that particular test get sent to the college. Whether or not the school decides to take into account the lower scores is up to them.</p>

<p>You “own” your scores so I think the testing service only sends what you tell it to, but you should honor what Cornell asks for. They will only look at your highest scores. I don’t think the person who reads your application will even see the other scores. A clerk will pull down the info electronically and the reader will see your best subject test and best sat1.</p>

<p>You could also try taking the act. If you do well on that you don’t have to send any subject tests or any SATs as long s you send the act w writing. If you have good scores they will ignore the poor ones. Lots of kids have reasons for that… Illness, getting off by one bubble on the answer sheet, fatigue, etc</p>

<p>depending on to which school you want to apply at cornell you may or may not need subject tests. IMO, the math on the SAT isn’t too much easier than the math on math I. like cortana said, math II is far easier due to the curve. also, if you take the SAT you still have to take the CR section and if you score poorly on that and get a 700+ on math you won’t be able to just send the math score to cornell. i took the ACT this month to try to counterbalance my 660 math SAT I score and i got a 32. unfortunately, though, the science section this month was far more difficult than the ones i had seen on practice tests and i got a 26, which killed my composite. try the practice SAT subject tests on sparknotes. i found them to be pretty accurate for US history</p>

<p>Hey I visited Cornell yesterday, and attended the information session led by Richard Heller and he informed me even though there is no score choice he said you still only have to send two sat 2s. Just incase anyone was wondering.</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID3 using CC</p>


I don’t think we know that for sure. Why would a clerk only pull down best scores? Wouldn’t it be easier for a clerk to just download everything?</p>

<p>Well it doesn’t matter because you only have to send your best two. Oh. And it was Richard Keller.</p>

<p>Sent from my DROID3 using CC</p>