GW Common App

The common app just opened up, and I started filling out the GW specific questions only to come to the writing supplement. It only shows one essay (not even an option to choose it, just the prompt then it tells me to answer it) about the hands-on, outside of a traditional classroom essay. Is it doing this for anybody else? I know there has always been the three to choose from in the past. This could just be a fault since it’s the first day, but I’m still freaking out. :expressionless:

Nope, it’s doing that for me too. Some college drastically change their supplements, nothing we can do about it :frowning:

Yeah, I emailed someone just to make sure, i know it’s been the choose one from three for many many years so the sudden change was very unexpected. I’m kind of bummed we have no choice but to do that essay, but oh well, gotta do what ya gotta do :open_mouth:

I heard from a little bird in the admissions office that they were switching their application questions slightly in order to better compare students to each other. Knowing they changed their essay format, it looks like they’d rather compare essays answering the same question.

Good luck to both of you!!!

My admissions rep said it was to “get to know more about the students”, so you’re probably right. And thank you!

No problem @names47 … Also throwing this out there; I saw from one of your old posts that you’re interested in middle eastern studies at the Elliott School. I have a concentration in the middle east at Elliott so if you have any questions about the program feel free to use me as a resource :slight_smile: