when is the supplement coming out?

<p>sorry if this is easily accessible, i just can't find any information on this- i have gw on my list for the common app and it says gw's supplement isn't available yet. i want to get started on it as soon as possible so i was wondering, does anyone know when it's expected to come out?
thanks for your help :)</p>

<p>eric’s son goes to gw<3</p>

<p>sorry that this was entirely unhelpful btw. just tryin’ to procrastinate. i’m so screweddddddd. also do you know if the supplement is 1 essay or more?</p>

<p>haha at first i was thinking that’s great to know, but that’ll just probably make me more comparable to his kids, which is really unfortunate :(</p>

<p>and i have no idea, that’s why i’m hoping someone responds to this b/c i know what to expect from most of the schools but idk what gw wants…</p>

<p>Omg if you date his son</p>

<p>= damaged</p>


<p>gotta catch up on my bedsliding skills ;)</p>

<p>If you make an account on the GW Admissions Activity Center and submit Part 1, you can see the two essays that are required. I think one is supposed to be similar to the commonapp essay, and the other is basically just “Why GW?”</p>

<p>as ca87 said, the supplement is simply “why gw”. I was on a visit yesterday and the admissions director told us that. She also said that last year they had 17 applicants who wrote their essay saying “this is why I want to go to boston university”. Make sure you don’t do that!!</p>