GW Fly In Program “Your GW”

Starting this thread to see who else applied to the Sept 22-24 program. I know admissions are on a rolling basis so not expecting to her back for atleast a week.

Also check in

I applied as well for the September program! Have you gotten a response yet?

No not yet the wait is killing me I have no idea when they will be releasing admissions

I just applied for the October session. How long doesn’t it take to hear back?

Sorry, how long does it take to hear back?

I’m not sure. It’s supposed to be rolling admissions, so hopefully within the next week.

I have no idea I’m still waiting for the September admission. It’s been 2 weeks since aug 1 which is when it was due I’m guessing admission will take a month maybe :confused:

I got my admission decision I was rejected.

@Luchiano me too :frowning: but I got into the Barnard fly in, so I don’t know what that’s about.

Oh no, sorry to hear you both were rejected. I’m so anxious to find out whether I got into the Oct program. @catova let us know how you like the Barnard fly in.

@LeahCWoo good luck!!

Thank you!!

Has anyone gotten a response for the October program? I submitted my application a couple of weeks ago, but I’m hoping for a response sometime soon.

I received an email Tuesday saying they will let me know within two weeks. This was three weeks after I sent my application. Good luck! I’m anxiously waiting!

Good luck to you too!

I applied to the October one as well! Waiting to hear back

Good luck! The anticipation is painful, but I’m hoping to hear back soon! Fingers crossed.

I’m still waiting as well. It is painful but hope we all know by the end of the week!

Has anyone heard anything yet?