GW vs. NYU

<p>Any opinions? Possibly studying anthropology, but I'm not sure. Most likely interested in attending law school. I'm also considering BC which I like a lot, but which doesn't offer anthropology, so I don't know.</p>


<p>details? financial package? likes/dislikes? you need to be more thorough if you want a response. Right now just based on institution, I would say NYU, BC, then GWU.</p>

<p>I have a $15,000 scholarship/year at GWU, plus I have been accepted to their Women's Leadership Program with a focus on international and U.S. politics (80 women together freshman year in their own program w/own faculty, etc.) Like I said, I might want to study anthropology and NYU's anthro program is one of the top in the county. I have interests in politics and government (for clubs/activites/etc.) and would like to be around students who are involved in clubs/academics/and the cultural activies of the respective cities. I am not into partying, don't want to be part of that scene, and don't drink at all, although I don't have anything against others who make that choice. I do want to attend law school and am willing to work hard with the goal of hopefully attending a top law school to go into government law.</p>

<p>Well 60K is a lot of money over 4 yrs and you are going to need to save the debt factor for Law School. Unless you have wealthy parents, I would choose GWU if you can save the money. That aside my academic preferences still stand although NYU is not really a traditional campus with a traditional social scene. If you are not bound to the WLP and can double major that is a consideration too. BTW you can get into a top level law school from any of these institutions.</p>

<p>BC/NYU (Id pick BC out of these, but its largely about fit)

<p>With $15,000, there's no question you should pick GW. GW has a great program in anthropology/archeology and there are loads of law-related internships right nearby, since that's your ultimate career goal.</p>