GWU 2023 RD (Chance me?)

Race: White
Gender: Male
Economic status: Upper middle class
SAT: 1320
Unweighted GPA (100 point scale): 92
Weighted GPA (100 point scale): 94
Rank: My school doesn’t rank.

AP: I have only taken one AP course (AP Spanish IV). At the school I attend, it is very difficult to take AP classes outside of junior and senior year, and even then you need to meet prerequisites for most of them.

Senior course load: 1 AP, 4 Honors, and 2 at the college prep level.

Honors Awards within my school:

  • Presidential Honors (Freshman and junior year)
  • Deans Honors (Sophomore year)
    Presidential = 95 weighted GPA
    Deans = 93 weighted GPA

Other honors:

  • I have been in the Spanish National Honors Society since freshman year.


  • Manager of my school’s Tennis team - this involves recording stats from each match as well as running the teams various social media accounts.
  • Varsity Squash - I have been playing since freshmen year.

Work experience:

  • I have been a sales associate at a store in my community since the Summer after freshmen year. I work 5 days a week in the Summer and 1 day a week during the school year.


  • Since the starting middle school, I have been volunteering the my town’s local theater group. I assist the women in charge with whatever she needs, whether it be building props, making playbooks, etc. Last Summer, I volunteered over 100 hours doing this.


  • I wrote of a very personal problem that is very near and dear to me, and the struggles I had faced to overcome it. I feel my essay was as good as it could have been. With that being said, the story it told embodies who I am, which is ultimately what I feel admissions counselors would want in an essay. (The technical aspects of the essay were all up to par)


  • I applied for financial aid.
  • Income bracket: >100k
  • School type: College Prep
  • Intended major: Business Undecided (though I am really interested in Information Systems and Technology).

One last thing I feel I should mention is that I have sibling legacy. My brother is currently a sophomore at GW studying business.

GWU is definitely my first choice. If anyone would be able to provide insight on the chances of myself getting in, and possible merit awards I could receive if I do get in, it would be greatly appreciated.

I think you’re a strong match. You’re a very well-rounded applicant and the legacy aspect will help your chances, as well.

Good luck!