<p>My kid is in the third week of his 6 week NASA science internship and has become very depressed with his progress. He was really looking forward to it and hoping to learn a lot and have the experience help him along in his college choices. He was hoping to do computer modeling or some interesting work-- he was full of ideas his first week. Right now, he's come to an impasse, not knowing how to proceed with his project - which turns out to be all writing (which he hates). He is having a hard time understanding some of the concepts in the material he has been given which he must digest and explain on a web page. It is supposed to be mentored but his "mentor" has been there all of one day so far. He's with 20+ year old college intern/employees who tell him they can't help because it "isn't their area of expertise". </p>
<p>He's afraid to make waves since at a meeting a couple of days ago, the HS interns were told that if they didn't like what they had been assigned, to turn in their badges and leave. Apparently, of the 25, a few have done so. The HS interns do not interact with each other so he doesn't have anyone his age to compare notes with regularly.</p>
<p>I do feel for him since he has to get up at 4:50 am everyday to make the train an hour away and doesn't get home until 7 pm. He has no time to do anything with his friends since he needs the sleep. So, I have a majorly grumpy 17 year old on my hands who goes to bed and wakes up depressed now. He feels let down by the whole experience at this halfway point.</p>
<p>I don't know how to help him beyond the "It's a challenge for you" or "You only have three more weeks--do what you can".
What would you do?</p>