

<p>Congratulations for getting into one of A/E. I am relieved for you that you will not have to face reproach & beatings from your parents who would have been otherwise shamed if u had to go to a second rate school like deerfield. Imagine the gossip & ostracism your parents would have faced from friends & family. The horror of it!</p>

<p>Your parents then would probably consider Hotchkiss to be a more prestigious school than Groton, just because the H is in an acronym made up by a teenager on CC.</p>

<p>Your car analogy is a VERY poor one. We are not comparing Prius v Ferrari-- totally different products w different price points-- but Bentley v Rolls Royce. Bentley is not as widely known as RR but every bit as grand. </p>

<p>People who are familiar w the great schools know what these schools are. They don’t need to do the sartorial equivalent of sporting clothing & handbags w big logos on them so ignorant people will think they have class. </p>

<p>GMT: Do you think we could get any of these to catch on:</p>

<p>Deerfield-Interlochen-Choate-Kent-St. Paul’s
St. Mark’s-Peddie-Idyllwild-Thacher

<p>Hey, this is fun! Just pull up boardingschoolreview.com, list every school, and have at it. I feel like a sixth grader again. Let’s see what sticks.</p>

<p>At least Squash is being honest…most people on cc do apply for the prestige…but will never “come out”.</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom Want to see what STICKS?</p>

<p>St. Andrew’s
St. Mark’s</p>

<p>How about what LASTS?
St. Paul’s

<p>Or my personal favorite, STARGIRL!
St. Andrew’s
Roxbury Latin

<p>Disclaimer: My favorite is actually St. Grottlesex. :p</p>

<p>Oh, stargirl, you have so much more class than I do.</p>

<p>I get why people like sitting in first class. The seats are wider, the food service is better. The thing is: I’ve always thought the people in coach were more interesting. </p>

<p>@jmoran I stated that my parents are prestige conscious not me. I want to go to a boarding school not for the prestige or to get into an IVY. I want to go for all of the other offerings like the fact that they actually offer my sport. They are also the one telling me that </p>

<p>@GMTplus7 thats not true, a week ago my father and I already told Hotchkiss that we weren’t accepting for the kids on the wait list (not bashing Hotchkiss I just didn’t like how the Humanities was a big part of their curriculum).</p>

<p>Also, I don’t understand why on this board liking bigger schools is viewed as cliche and has negative connotations. Prestige is a huge part of my at least 50% of BS applicants apply. I’ll put a new spin on my Andover and DA analogy again. If you went to a remote village in China, some of the people there would have most likely heard of Harvard, not many would have heard of Columbia (a no doubt just as good school). Some people care about these things. I personally don’t and would happily attend DA or Andover (2 schools which I am choosing between at this moment) I just think people on this board should alienate people who think prestige is a big factor. I understand that fit is more important than prestige but I don’t think enough credit is given.</p>

<p>This might just be me though, ultimately, my parents will be the one paying the fortune a year to the school and that means my parents say counts more than mine. </p>

<p>No prestige seekers at Andover? OK- now you’re killing me. </p>



<p>What a terrible burden to live your life worrying about what peasants in remote parts of china think of you.</p>

<p>@jmoran wow I actually didn’t know that. That makes a huge difference in my mind. I’ll be sure to let my dad know. DA is also closer to home and closer to a lot of squash tournaments so it really does seem like a better package squash wise. </p>

<p>@GMTplus7 what a terrible burden to be thinking of other humans as peasants. </p>

A peasant is someone who lives in the country and/or is an agricultural laborer. The Chinese government refers to its citizens in “remote villages” as peasants and in the Cultural Revolution has placed peasants in high regard.</p>

<p>Am I missing something here?</p>

<p>Shaking my head in disbelief that someone w a name like squashisawesome can know nothing about the squash team of a school he applied to…</p>

<p>Nothing wrong with seeking prestige, but if you’re letting prestige guide you to choose between Harvard v. Columbia (not Harvard v. Drexel) or between Andover v. Deerfield, you’re doing it wrong.</p>

<p>@squash - Serious question here. Are you an international applicant?</p>

<p>Hey, DA recruits from the top countries like Egypt. DA’s number 1 is a player named Sam Khalifa. @GMTplus7 you think I know nothing about the schools I applied to, if I went to PA, I would be at a much bigger disadvantage squash wise. However, I also care about academics too and squash is not the only thing that would make me want to choose a high school. That being said, I like a lot of DA’s traditions (sit down meals) and their culture better than PA’s so the revisits my parents choose one and I choose one school and which do you think my prestige seeking parents choose and which do you think I choose?</p>

<p>If you’re talking about Sam in particular, you know he’s a senior and therefore graduating this year (although it is really a treat to watch him play). But even JV squash beat Andover 7-0. Just saying…</p>

<p>Tell me more about this Deerfield-Interlochen-Choate-Kent-St. Paul’s group…</p>

<p>@squash - The reason why I ask if you are an international applicant is because it there appears to communication/cultural problems. Both in the communication of your position and an apparent lack of understanding of what other posters are telling you.</p>

<p>I am sure you have a good understanding of the BS scene as it would be hard to get accepted to multiple top tier schools without it. But it’s simply not coming through in your comments. For example, your lack of understanding of DA’s position in squash caught some folks by surprise.</p>

<p>And I was struck by a comment you made implying that DA’s academics may be sub-par (to PA)</p>

<p>"…I also care about academics too and squash is not the only thing that would make me want to choose a high school"</p>

<p>You will work MIGHTILY to do well academically at DA… MIGHTILY…</p>

<p>The combination of self-assurance and inexperience, the province of new teenagers everywhere,…</p>