<p>I live in Foothill. Last year, I would always get my hair cut when I go home, but It has been nearly two months since my last hair cut. Where can I go to get a good, cheap haircut</p>
<p>(I'm a dude, but hair grows fairly slow, I cut it short and then cut it again 1.5-2 months later).</p>
<p>General online forum etiquette calls for not repeating thread topics, because that bumps everything down (some of which may be more important than the repeated topic) and creates unnecessary clutter. There's a search function in the forums for a reason. If we're really going to go with your "so what, now there's another one" argument, then you should have no problem with having 50 threads about where to get haircuts.</p>
<p>Alright people, I am trying to get my first haircut at Berkeley. I am an Asian dude, which means that I am looking for something that looks, um, I guess you can call it “fobbish” (while not celebrity-like exaggerating). Yanno, like chunky, layered haircut with lots of “textures” in short-medium length. I look ■■■■■■■■ with fades or buzzcut, so yeah, I’m looking for a scissors cut and no clippers.</p>
<p>I’ve looked at yelp and old posts on here. People have suggested Berkeley Hair Studio or whatever. But apparently most people who give rave reviews are happy with fades. </p>
<p>Yes, I am that anal about hair. Willing to pay <$40. Anything over that for my age is metrosexual. That said, I can get what I want at home for $13, but figure Berkeley may be more expensive.</p>
<p>Over $40 isn’t metrosexual, per se. I suffer from extraordinarily fine hair, so any mistake is extremely apparent. There are a few places down in Rockridge – they’re around $40-60 a cut, and not too bad in terms of quality.</p>
<p>Try the Sweeny Todd-looking place in Sather Lane. Let me know how it is…If you aren’t feeling risky, go a little bit further down South and there’s a nice Korean haircut salon near the corner of Channing and Telegraph. It’s around $15 for a haircut, and the haircuts are very decent.</p>
<p>Hi Leftist, I hope you get this and can answer my questions. Do you still go to Lhasa Salon or did you find a better place? Would you recommend me to come here? Who’s the person to ask for when coming here? Thanks.</p>