Hamilton Class of 2027 Official Thread

There are many, many need-blind schools. “Everyone pays full tuition” is a need-blind policy. The real question is how many schools meet full need while admitting on a need-blind basis. Hamilton is one of this group. But their definition of need may not be quite as generous as other schools.

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i actually am a first-year living in the modular “dorm” and it’s genuinely not as bad as it seems. it doesn’t have the aesthetic appeal of the other dorms, but each room has an individual AC/heating unit (so everyone can set their rooms to different temperatures) and the laundry machines are free to use—only one other upperclassmen dorm has AC, and laundry isn’t free anywhere else. the modular “dorm” also has the biggest communal bathrooms (including two gender neutral single-stall bathrooms with showers and lockable doors) out of any dorm i’ve been to, and because it has so few students, it’s quiet and clean.

edit: also, because the dorm is so small, it does genuinely foster more community!


That’s good to hear! Obviously the pictures only show the aesthetics! I cannot believe everyone doesn’t get free laundry with $82,400 annual tuition/R&B though.


DD accepted to Colgate tonight too and the COA is 13k cheaper. I’d love to know how each school calculates. Will visit both, have not been to either yet.

Congratulations on your daughter making her final decision! That’s got to feel great.

We have a meeting with the Hamilton Financial Aid Office set for next week. We’re still waiting to hear back from two other schools, but my son has always really liked Hamilton, so we’re going to talk to them and see how it goes.

Oh we have not made a final decision. Will visit both in a few weeks. Haven’t seen either school yet. I wish the prices were closer.

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Fortunately they are relatively near each other, with beautiful countryside in between. Always find it amusing that Colgate is in the town of Hamilton while Hamilton is not…


Both beautiful but different. Kids at both are super smart and education is excellent. But the school personalities are pretty different. Good idea to visit and see how your DS reacts to the students and campus vibes. Congratulations!


S23 didn’t apply to Colgate. Definitely different cultures and good to know which is a fit for you.

As a student benefit, subsidized laundry would be more supportive of the environment than free laundry, however.

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Thank you. I assumed it was something related to space.

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My child was also admitted for Jan term. She’s feeling a bit like the “b team” and wondering if it will make her an outsider. Anyone have insight into how people do with it?

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We are in this boat, too. My child really likes Hamilton but is definitely skeptical of coming in a semester late. She’s glad to have an offer, but worried she’ll be a second class citizen…though I imagine no one will remember who cam late after a semester.


Not saying it’s not good. True in a year no one wil remember but the obvious concern is if everyone has their friend groups, how does one get settled. Perhaps it’s with the new cohort.

Yeah, with the Jan term entry, we’re concerned about both the social issues and how he would navigate a hard science curriculum sequence coming in a semester late.

At first he wasn’t feeling like a “alternate” for them, but after listening/watching more of their materials, he’s starting to feel like it’s just a bit above wait list.

He’s still considering Hamilton (as it was a top choice) but he got into other good schools with a September start and a lower cost of attendance. Food for thought.


I understand the context completely. Let me clarify that I interpret descriptions like “rich kids school” to be a little negative and unflattering. If you use it to mean solely that there will be enough people who can pay full freight waiting in the wings, then that’s different.


that’s fair - my word choice could be taken that way I suppose - but that’s what i meant. A Tufts (moreso), a Hamilton, Colgate - the reality is the majority of their student bodies are wealthy - and if someone can’t afford, they’ll find plenty that can.

Doesn’t mean they’re not great schools.


Has anyone tried appealing financial aid? I have an offer from Colby that gives a $30K less net price per year, would Hamilton adjust their aid at all?

Wow and I thought ours was a big difference… My DD has an offer from Colgate that is 16k a year less than Hamilton (adjusted for the difference in total cost at each school). My DD emailed asking if they would match and they said to file an appeal. I am not holding my breath.

We submitted an appeal late last week, but haven’t heard back yet. Trinity offered a COA of $22k less a year. There is an appeal form online one can use to ask for an adjustment. We also don’t expect the school to match.