Hamilton College Jan Admit 2027

I got accepted to Hamilton’s Jan program yesterday, meaning if I went, I would start in January 2024. I’m really upset as I have never been interested in taking a gap semester, but as Hamilton was my first choice college, I’m not ready to give it up quite yet. If I ended up going, I would likely attend the London program in the fall as I’ve heard that it’s the most popular. I’ve never been interested in attending college abroad, and Hamilton was already on the lower end in terms of what I wanted in size so I’m worried that being with such a small group of students for the first semester would just feel way too small and kind of like high school. I would love to hear from any Jans (regardless of whether or not you liked it), and any prospective Jans as well. How many people go to the London program? Do you really integrate as well into Hamilton as they say you will or is the class pretty split socially between the Jans and the fall admits?

As I understand the London program, you would attend classes of your choosing from among those offered (and approved by Hamilton) at Arcadia, so the experience may be broader than perhaps you imagine it to be.

You would participate in August orientation activities at Hamilton with the fall admits. You could initiate friendships with other students at this time, which could be resumed in January. Beyond that point, it would be no one’s particular concern how you spent your first college semester.

If you do choose Arcadia, consider taking the AP English Literature exam, which would allow you to study Shakespeare in London (LONS DTSH 280).

If you do the Arcadia Program in London those classes count towards your credits at Hamilton so it’s not really a gap year. You would graduate at the same time as your classmates. Just a different experience your first semester.

I have a son who graduated in 2020 and another son who is 2024. All the students who were Jans who my sons knew/know integrated easily into Hamilton when they got there in January. Actually the Jans in London become very good friends.

I’ve also spoken to a couple Jans in my older son’s class and they loved the Arcadia Program. Thought it was a great experience.

If you think Hamilton is the school for you then I wouldn’t dismiss it just because you were offered January admittance. Do some research and talk to people at the school before deciding. Good luck on your decision.

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There was someone here a couple of years back who was a Jan. Read through the old threads and initiate contact. Girl from NYC…

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My son graduated this past May and was a Jan. He applied ED1, was accepted as a Jan and was devastated. It came down to Hamilton as a Jan or Lehigh, and Hamilton won out. He went to London in the Fall of 2018 with around 40 other Hamilton Jans and lived with students from Brandeis and Arcadia as well. He loved his London experience: classes four days a week, Monday-Thursday which allowed for travel over the weekend. Traveled all throughout Europe. He did participate in the August orientation and the Jans have their own mini orientation in January as well. All the Jans were housed on the third floor of Dunham. He made a strong group of friends in London. Really didn’t have an issue making friends for the second semester but he did join a fraternity and the rowing team.


My daughter was a Jan this year. To be honest, she and most of her Jan cohort had a very difficult time in London, and really disliked the program. No dining hall or meal plan, classes very far away, no real orientation for the kids. She never really saw a lot of the Hamilton kids in her program, as they broke up into small groups and traveled every weekend. The Arcadia program provides very little guidance or care for the kids when they are there.

I am so sorry to hear that. How has the transition been now that she’s on campus?

She’s doing fine so far. Made 3 good friends while in London and they are ok, certainly a bit harder to make new friends amongst the already established friend groups. She has joined a lot of clubs and is pledging a sorority. I think it will all work out, but I feel like I must be honest that the London semester can be very tough for some.

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That’s a shame but your honestly is helpful. I wish her all the very best going forward. She must have felt strongly about Hamilton to do the January admit so I am hoping it’s a great fit!

Does anyone ever get admitted as a January start if they didn’t explicitly request it on their application. My S23 just brought up today that he would prefer a J-start or Fall study abroad at Hamilton than the current two options he has in hand. Surprise to me, but I would support it.

Yes, my son was admitted as a Jan without requesting it. In fact, we had no idea about the January start and London study abroad until he was admitted as a Jan. He applied ED1, and if you’re admitted as a Jan during ED1 or 2, you’re released from the binding ED decision because Hamilton knows that a January start date isn’t for everyone.

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Hamilton, by philosophy, offers January admission to applicants who it believes will use the fall semester productively. In principle, this approach differs from those of some other colleges, which may offer delayed admission based on a lesser interest in those applicants in relation to other students accepted.


Based on what information? There’s only the briefest of (optional) supplement. How could they possibly know my S23 would spend his Fall 23 fixing up the 18th. Century farmhouse we recently purchased? They don’t have this information!

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thanks. S23 was accepted for Fall term in turns out. He’s thrilled!

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So if you are demonstrably independent and intellectually curious, you can get the “benefit” of not getting admitted in the Fall, and end up graduating out of cycle for regular internships, jobs, and grad school admissions. Whatever way this is spun, it is a second class admit status that benefits the college more than the student.

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My son was admitted as a Jan yesterday. He is definitely an intellectually curious kid who is eager to study abroad and do a range of other things. The problem? He also plans to major in chemistry. It is very unclear how majors with heavy science labs are impacted by starting in January. From what we can figure out just poking around, it appears that he might end up a whole year behind, as Chem I appears to only be a fall class and Chem II a spring class. Additionally, the London program is mostly geared toward the humanities. While he’s a kid who planned to enjoy taking some humanities courses, he would not enjoy a full semester of them. He’d love to make this work, but we’re not quite sure how right now.

I believe they offer a Fall London abroad program for Jan on-campus starts. Credit-bearing coursework.

My S23 was more than willing to take a Jan start, though admittedly not his first choice. He’s young for his grade. It definitely benefits the school-- the many schools that offer that these days. Doesn’t mean it’s “second class admit status.” Especially if you have AP credits and don’t even end up graduating late.

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Congrats on the Jan admission. There seems to be some flexibility in the program so talk to the point of contact about your specific needs before deciding.

Would it be better to not have the option? I’ve met several Jans who loved their experience and graduated on time.