Happy Finals Week!

<p>Hey Good Luck everyone!!!</p>

<p>Just for fun: what's the hardest final you're taking this week?</p>

<p>Lol I need B’s on my finals to get A’s in the classes. And they are all hard lol.</p>

<p>Math 140A</p>

<p>I’m expecting a C to B- in that course -_-</p>

<p>the hardest part of my finals is that theyre all crammed into two days in the morning…talk about big bummer, one of them got moved from a thursday to a tuesday…so it goes, monday morning, tuesday morning, the 30min after that the next, then 30 min after that the next</p>


<p>at least you’ll be done by tuesday afternoon!</p>

<p>all 3 of my physics finals will be hard. :(</p>

<p>Physics major? Awesome!</p>

<p>My schedule is pretty bad, too, with 2 Monday finals, 2 Tuesday finals, a Friday night final, and 2 papers for 199’s–but just power through these and FREEDOM!</p>

<p>how and when do we our final grades?</p>

<p>it depends on your professor…some will post it on webct by sunday or so, or put them up on a paper somewhere on campus, or say you can even pick up your test/bluebook…some dont give a hoot and you find out on tritonlink by…i think its the wednesday following finals week?? sometimes it seems like it takes ages…but most of your professors should have turned in their grades by the following tuesday/wednesday and they will get put in your ‘academic history’ link on tritonlink</p>

<p>Thursday after finals is the deadline to post grades, though you still have the option to contest it and have it changed if you feel you deserve it</p>

<p>Ochem will be the bane of my existence. If I ever see another alcohol in the next few weeks I’ll stab myself. T_T</p>

<p>But good luck on finals!</p>

<p>Wait how exactly can you contest and change your grade if you think something is terribly wrong??</p>

<p>If you sign a Buckley waiver, pick up your test, see a misgrade, you can have it fixed</p>

<p>If you take a subjective final (paper, short answer, labs, etc.) and really feel that you can contest it, different departments have different procedures to change that.</p>