Today, on the first day of classes for the 2020 fall semester, we want to wish all the Ohio State students an amazing year!
What are your expectations for this fall? Do you plan to return to campus or take online classes? How are you coping with the current situation? Let us know in the comments below!
My s20 has his first online class today, and so far, so good. Technology failures are a big worry but everyone will face that.
He is living at home this semester.
He is first year pre-engineering and I’d say what has gotten him most excited about starting school is how proactive his particular program (ChemE) has been in explaining what is to come. Just get through the first semester of these core math, physics and chemistry classes and we will get to the good stuff very soon! I think a big challenge to the remote kids is feeling connected to the university itself. So far, OSU seems to be doing a good job with that.
He switched from being on-campus (with 3 f2f classes) to all online, remote, 4 days prior to move in day. His advisor was incredibly helpful and proactive in making that transition happen. And it was needed as there was a LOT to figure out.
As far as teaching morality goes, OSU has been doing that for a long time (his 29 year old brother did his entire senior year online, while living in a frat). So, the core courses are very mature as online classes. That’s not a worry we have at all.