Happy to answer questions about Deerfield Academy!

Hello @AnonMomof2 - Here is some ideas on how to get the information and also solve the problem. It’s good information for other parents to have, as well.

First, please don’t worry. These schools have been around a long time (200 years+) and have plans in place for hosting students overnight - which is a lot better than being alone in a dorm. BTW, I agree with you that information should come sooner to new families. Unfortunately, they don’t ask my opinion so I share it here!

Every BS has a plan for hosting students or if a student must stay overnight.

  • Our school will send you a form this summer that asks you to designate people (a family, persons, person) who resides within 2 hours of campus. If you have nobody to designate in the area, you should call the Student Life office or Dean of Students office and ask them whom you should designate.

  • No worries! Many students we know whose parents had to leave early, or who were from overseas or far away, went home with their roommate - or with another friend from school.

  • Our school has a list of families who have designated themselves as being able to host a student for weekends and holidays. We know this situation where a student was able to stay with a host family (a faculty member with same-aged kid) overnight. You can connect with the DPN (Deerfield Parents Network) for assistance with this. You can find the DPN link through the main portal or by clicking on a Parents tab.

  • Stay in the new wellness center. We had a situation where we had to return to work and couldn’t stay overnight. Kiddo stayed over in the new Wellness center - with a beautiful room and room service (courtesy of the nurses).

FUN FACT :nerd_face:: There is a movie being filmed right now about a scenario where a bunch of Deerfield kids have no where to go during a holiday break and a faculty member has to be the “minder”.

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That is a fun fact! Is this a student movie, an independent film or actual Hollywood?

Indie film - but with well know actor and director :hugs:

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That’s pretty cool…ironically, Paul Giamatti is a Choate grad

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Can’t wait for this. Sideways is an all-time classic from Payne/Giamatti.

Need Thomas Haden Church to be the DA athletic director.

Sideways is a classic! Thanks @UltimaCroix for posting the golfing
scene! :golf: It’s almost 20 years since its release. Have any of your kids seen it?

Yes, great film, but definitely only for adults!

I remember watching it with my then septuagenarian Dad, who I always thought was very conservative on personal matters. I couldn’t believe how much he enjoyed it. He was basically rolling all over the floor in laughter!

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Uh, is there a Marvel character in it? Then yes. If not, then…just kidding. Kinda.

I’m still hurting they thought Happy Gilmore was funnier than Caddyshack, comments like “Caddyshack is such a Mom and Dad movie”.

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Are those students (abiding by dress code) heading to class on a typical cold morning at Deerfield?

Nope - just the opening scene of one of the movies filmed at Deerfield. Guessed the movie yet?

Hi, I am still looking to apply to schools. I am interested in deerfield. Do you have any tips or advice for the admission process, like how exactly it works and maybe how your experience was like getting into deerfield. Sorry if this is an uncomfortable question. I am just looking for some tips, since it all is so new.

What exactly is deerfield looking for in a student?

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I also don’t know, if you can awnser this, and i’m so sorry if this is an uncomfortable question but what are my chances of getting into deerfield. I have a 95% score on the ssat, I play the clarinet, I sing, I play field hockey and squash. I also have straight a’s, my school doesn’t have +A’s. I also do community service 2 weeks per month. What are my chances?? If this is not right of me to ask, please do not feel compelled to awnser. I was only curious. Sorry. :grinning:

Hi there. From a parent’s perspective, I think they are looking for well-rounded and interesting students. There are many students at DA who are engaged in multiple activities, performing arts, and athletics. It’s been our observation that there are more well-rounded kids, rather than pointy kids. Yes, there are a few - but mostly well rounded students who are comfortable and enjoy being involved in multiple athletics, community service organization, the performing arts (theatre, music, dance), research, and leadership positions.

I believe they look for students who will embrace the many traditions that are important at Deerfield. Along with this, it seems they want students who will enjoy being a member of a close knit community - one who is comfortable with conversing and sharing with other students and faculty. I think they look for students with strong verbal abilities or who are confident in speaking up - this is a big part of your classroom experience (Harkness method in many classes), as well as sit downs.

Academics are demanding at DA. There is competition in multiple arenas, but people will say that the students tend to compete with themselves rather than each other. Our kid experienced competition within the classroom, also. Frankly, I am not sure that many people know this because the school is so well known for its athletics. There are many students that came from JBS or repeated grades - so they seem to have a leg up in some subjects. There seems to be a large number of international students (at least before COVID).

Athletics continued to be highly valued at Deerfield. If you are coming in as a Varsity athlete, already, that will be valued. Their boys lax team won a major national title this past year. Their squash and hockey programs are strong. One AO told me a few years ago that they like students who play multiple sports, not just focusing on one sport.

Contrary to popular belief, the school is not as isolated as you may think. It’s only @ 20 minutes into Hadley or Amherst, about 10 minutes or less into Greenfield. There are many outdoor activities to enjoy. Great hiking, kayaking, paddle board, skiing, fly fishing, and bike routes nearby. If you like the outdoors, I think you will be happy.

Deerfield is a more “traditional” school. There is a dress code (students wear a blazer to class/boys with blazer & tie). Frankly, if you seek to express yourself with creative or dramatic costuming for class dress, I am not sure you will be happy. There are sit down meals several times per week. I think the students who are attracted to Deerfield like the traditions.

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Ok, thank you so much. This is very helpful. Do you know anything about my chances of getting in?

Again, so sorry if that’s a weird question, I just have no idea really how this process works, and I want to know if I even have a chance of getting into one of my top picks?

It’s my impression that schools look at the whole person - so they will consider all the elements comprising your application: Grades, SSAT, community service, extracurricular activities, athletics, performing arts (music/dance/theatre), visual arts, your essays AND your interview.

What we found in the process of our Kiddo applying to several schools was this: Try to communicate how you will contribute to the school. How will you be an engaged member of the community? What talents, skills, interests, experiences do you have that will contribute? Try to express this in your essays and in your interview.

Hi, my daughter is moving into Deerfield next week and I had some questions. What do the new students do for the first couple of days before classes? Do students usually bring mini fridges/are they allowed in dorms? Are there always snacks available or should she pack some with her to bring to school? Thanks!

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ok, thank you so much!

I am not a seasoned DA parent so I can’t tell you what actually happens in practice, but I did read this:
Dormitory Room Guidelines
• The following items are not permitted in student rooms: refrigerators, televisions,
projectors, 3D printers, laser cutters, offensive posters/pictures, references to
drugs and alcohol, and pets (except fish)

And from what I can tell, the opening days’ schedule keeps the kids very busy. Monday morning is move in. Monday 1pm the freshmen get taken to overnight camp, back at Tuesday lunch. Tuesday afternoon is theater, dance and varsity sports. Tuesday evening is sit down dinner. Classes start on Wednesday morning. Here is the opening schedule:

Maybe a veteran parent can weigh in on snacks. It does sound like dorms have ‘feeds’ which is some kind of snack after study hall before lights out. I’m not sure how often that happens.