Harder, or not?

<p>How much harder is Barron's Workbook Math in comparison to the real SAT types of questions? </p>

<p>I'm on chapter 7, and it's getting difficult (or seemingly difficult; I get tired of solving the longer problems, so I don't really focus as I had done in the beginning).</p>

<p>bump this up</p>

<p>I thought everyone used Barron's for Math...:-&lt;/p>

<p>it is, i have it. six, seven and eight are probably the hardest in it.</p>

<p>I did the practice tests...</p>

<p>and it's like a curse</p>

<p>I get minus 5 in the ones with 20 problems, and minus 3 on the ones with 15 problems.</p>

<p>I just got my TI-89 Titanium, so that is gonna slow me down (I didn't take the tests with it). I have to do verbal workbooks, and then off to the Blue Bible.</p>

<p>I'm doing the practice fill-in the blank reading questions, and I'm getting like less than or equal to 5 on each 20 set. How is that?</p>

<p>I thought everyone used Barron's:-&lt;/p>

<p>On set C I averaged like missing 6 /20</p>

<p>on the practice stuff like 6.5? or on the practice exams?</p>

<p>like 6.5, except in the verbal book it is broken off in sections by type, so I'm on Sentence Completions. There are 3 types A B C (easy, medium, hard) and 4 practice sets in each, around 20 in each set.</p>

<p>So I'm missing like 5-6 out of 20 questions.</p>