Harvard 2013 RD 'Pledge to Report Your Decision'

<p>Member name: Wildchartermage
Gender: Female
State or Country: Connecticut
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2160 (M: 760 CR: 720 W: 680)
SAT II scores: 750 USH 800 Math 2 760 Physics
AP scores: 5 on AP Calc Ab, 4 on both USH and Physics B</p>

<p>Member name: squaregirl
Gender: Female
State or Country: TX
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2080 (630, 750, 700) | 29 (can’t remember the breakdown exactly, but I had within the 35-36 range on two sections and significantly lower in math and science)
SAT II scores: 720 USH, 690 Lit, 600 WH (I was appalled; it’s generally one of my best subjects) + a few others which I can’t remember (I took about seven total; huzzah!)
AP scores: 5 Language, 5 Lit, 5 Psych, taking Bio and others this year (I have a straight AP/IB sched)
IB scores: 5 Psych + the other crapload I’m taking this year (I think my predicted score is something like a 40?)</p>

<p>Member name: Juanmarco
Gender: Male
State or Country: Washington State
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2380 (780:800:800)
SAT II scores: 800 (US History), 800 (Math II), 790 (Chemistry
AP scores: US History (5), English Language (5), Chemistry (5), Calculus AB (5), European History (5), AP Psychology (5), AP Statistics (5)</p>

<p>Member name: Charmelody
Gender: Female
State: Texas
SAT: 2370 (800 R, 800 W, 770 M)
SAT II: 800 Math IIC, 800 Biology E, 740 Literature
AP: Biology (5), World History (5), European History (5), English Language (5), Psychology (5), Music Theory (4), Statistics (4), Calculus AB (4), US History (5)</p>

<p>Member name: ninjaniah
Gender: Female
State or Country: MA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2320 (800, 750, 770)
SAT II scores: 790, 790, 780
AP scores: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5</p>

<p>Member name: sartorialiste
Gender: Female
State or Country: GA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2400
SAT II scores: US Hist 800, Math II 800, Lit 800
AP scores: Human Geo 5, World 5, Euro 5, US 5, Stat 5, Physics B 5</p>

<p>^ I hate you, lol.</p>

<p>Actually, I hate Millerl1te more because he has a 36, AND he’s a URM ;)</p>

<p>i think GPA would be a nice addition to this but oh well</p>

<p>Member name: jwarlick
Gender: M
State or Country: CA/USA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2390/35
SAT II scores: 800 MathII, 730 Lit, 700 Chem
AP scores: AP Scholar with Distinction</p>

<p>^ I think just about all of us stand at about a 3.95 or higher…but I could be wrong.</p>

<p>Member name: Maximum1
Gender: Male
State: Maryland
SAT (M;CR;W) 2200 (770;750;680)
SAT II Scores: 800 Math; 790 Literature; 780 Physics
AP scores: 554</p>

<p>Member name: sev1991
Gender: F
State or Country: Switzerland
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 800:780:750 (2330)
SAT II scores: 790BioM, 760French, 740Spanish
AP scores: no AP available</p>

<p>Member name: Canadianftw
Gender: Male
State or Country: Canada
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2220 (CR 680, M 800, W 740)
SAT II scores: MathII 800, Chem 800, Physics 750
AP scores: IB Diploma</p>

<p>My D’s stats</p>

<p>SAT I: 670 CR; 690 W; 780 M (2140)
SATII; MB 800; USH 710; Math II 710
AP: Bio 5; USH 4</p>

<p>But she got an e-mail to go for a second interview with an admission officer at H admissions building tomorrow. First interview was an alum in early Dec. Not out of the running yet?!</p>

<p>Member name: dzxx101
Gender: Male
State or Country: GA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 800/700/730
SAT II scores: 800 MathI, 800 MathII, 730 WH, 660 Physics
AP scores: 5 WH, 4 Psych, 4 APUSH, 4 Stats, 4 English Lang, 3 Physics; 5 IB Psych; taking Calc, Chem; IB Diploma candidate</p>

<p>Member name: in_technicolor
Gender: F
State or Country: NY
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: ACT- 32
SAT II scores: 740 English Lit., 680 Math I, 650 Biology (M), 700 US History, 710 Math II
AP scores: 5,4</p>

<p>Member name: mnfmnfm
Gender: Female
State or Country: California
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2260(770:700:790) or 36
SAT II scores: 800 Chemistry, 800 Math II, 800 Spanish (w/o listening)
AP scores: 5s in Chemistry, Calc BC, US History, World History, US Gov, Spanish Lang, Enclish Lang</p>

<p>Member name: renegadeshark
Gender: male
State or Country: Hong Kong
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 1470/2150 [680 W, 720 CR, 750 M]
SAT II scores: 750 Chemistry 760 Maths 2 780 Molecular Biology
AP scores: n/a, take IB. Predicted 40 <- fail.</p>

<p>Member name: Kayabertz
Gender: Female
State or Country: Florida
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 750:800:800 (2350)
SAT II scores: US History 790, Lit 750, Math 2 750
AP scores: Calc AB 4, US History 5, Microecon 5</p>

<p>Member name: llpitch
Gender: Male
State or Country: Hawaii
Rank: 1 / 247
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 34 (34E, 35M, 34R, 33S, 10E)
SAT II scores: 780 Math2, 770 World Hist, 660 Physics (yea…ouch…)
AP scores: 4 5’s, 2 4’s. 2 of the 5’s self studied. This year I’m self studying 3 of 6 exams.</p>

<p>I’m most likely getting rejected. My Physics SATII hurts and my extracurriculars just aren’t good enough for HYPS. Oh well I’m not going to be bummed I’m expecting a rejection =]</p>

<p>Member name: lookbeyond
Gender: female.
State or Country: new yawk.
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2280: 710 M, 800 CR, 770 W
SAT II scores: Lit: 780, WH: 780, Bio E: 750
AP scores: Spanish Lang 5, USH 5</p>

<p>…March 31st is not going to be a fun day…</p>