<p>Member name:holmespoint
State or Country:WA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT:740:800:800 (2340)
SAT II scores:Chem:750,Lit :750; Math II: 740
AP scores: CalcAB 5; Language & Comp 5; USH 3.</p>
<p>Member name: Perpetual211
Applied to CC or SEAS: CC
Gender: Female
State or Country: Illinois
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 800, 750, 800 –> 2350
SAT II scores: 800, 800 ,790
AP scores: 5’s and some 4’s</p>
<p>Member name: southeasttitan
Gender: F
State or Country: MN
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2180 (620:780:78)
SAT II scores: Lit 780, Span 750, USH 650
AP scores: USH 5, Spanish 4</p>
<p>Bump come on people I think more than this are applying to Harvard this year.</p>
<p>Member name: PKWsurf21
Gender: Male
State or Country: Long Island, NY
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 800, 710, 710 -> 2220, 32E 34M 35R 32 S 11E ->33
SAT II scores: 800, 790 ,730
AP scores: AP Biology 5, AP Chemistry 5, AP Statistics 5, AP American 4, AP Euro 4, IB Math SL 7</p>
<p>Really this thread should include GPA and course rigor as those are supposed to be more important than SAT/ACT scores. Some people work hard and get great grades and for some reason don’t do as well on standardized tests as others so this thread may give weird seeming results.</p>
<p>Member name: Arachnotron
Gender: Male
State or Country: NH, USA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: (780:760:800)
SAT II scores: 710 Lit, 760 Chem, 780 Math 2
AP scores: N/A</p>
<p>Member name: vin09
Gender: M
State or Country: Texas
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 760 M 800 CR 760 W (2320)
SAT II scores: 770 Math II 740 World History 740 Biology M
AP scores: 5 AP Cal AB, 5 AP Bio, 4 World History, 4 Cal BC, 4 English Lang, 4 Eng Lit, 4 Art History, 3 Spanish Lang</p>
<p>Member name: kd5qdf
Gender: Male
State or Country: Texas
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: 2380 (800M, 780CR, 800 W)
SAT II scores: 800 Math Level 2, 800 US History, 800 Chemistry
AP scores: 5 AP Eng Lang, 5 US History, 5 Chemistry</p>
<p>Oh dear. So many Texans with stats that are, like, triple mine. :O</p>
<p>Whoah, I must’ve been off when I made my post. I HAVE AP SCORES!</p>
<p>Let me try again: </p>
<p>Member name: Arachnotron
Gender: Male
State or Country: NH, USA
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: (780:760:800)
SAT II scores: 710 Lit, 760 Chem, 780 Math 2
AP scores: 5 - Chem, 5 - English Lang, 5 - Stats, 4 - English Lit, 3 - Comp Sci A, 3 - Calc BC (AB:5 – took AB class)</p>
<p>Member name: hitsbigshot
Gender: Male
State or Country: NY
SAT (M:CR:W) or ACT: SAT: 2260 (M: 800, CR: 700, W:760)
SAT II scores: Chem: 790, Spanish: 790, Math 2: 800
AP scores: US History: 5, Spanish: 5, I’m signed up for 6 more this year.</p>