Harvard Admissions Fall 2022

D22 was rejected. Nobody from her HS made it (we had some very strong candidates this year). Congratulations to all the admits.

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D22 accepted.


S22 Rejected

My D was accepted REA but will deny the offer in the next day or 2- Sheā€™s going to University of Michigan CoE. I really hope her spot is offered to a waitlisted. Best of luck to all!


I was admitted! I also got into Cornell and was wondering which school I should attend. Cornell or Harvard. Financial aid would probably not play a factor- I would only need to pay around 3k a year to go to both.

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Can I ask why she prefers to go to Michigan ?

i also got into cornell (w/ a likely letter), but how do u know how much ur paying? has cornell sent out financial aid for you yet?

Cornell sent me an email that my financial aid package was out. I would recommend searching up ā€œCornell Financial Aid Portalā€ and logging in to see if you have any missing documents. I know a lot of people were reporting that a few documents had appeared in their portal that they had to resolve (I also had this but I resolved it in February, so it wasnā€™t a concern)! Best of luck!

She wants to go to engineering and itā€™s a stronger program at Michigan. She also loves the sports life and Ann Arbor.


Very different campuses, very different experiences (not even considering specific majors). Go visit both. See if you can stay with a person you know who is already there. Contact any organizations with whom you have common interests - church, ECs, ethnic group, anything. Sit in on a class or two in your intended major. This should help you to decide.

Hello! International student/harvard rejectee here. I know a lot of people are going to reply telling me to move on with my life, but Iā€™ve really nothing to lose with this. College applications in my country arenā€™t until the end of the year so I have time.

I come from a poor country and my school has very limited resources. I donā€™t know how Iā€™ve just realized this, but when my teachers and counselor submitted all the materials for my application (LOR, School report, Transcripts) they did that from personal email accounts simply because my school doesnā€™t have an official email address assigned to each member of faculty. I know and I trust that my recommendation letters were extremely strong, I have great grades and Iā€™m at the top of my class which showed in my transcripts, my school report discusses the curriculum in detail and it does state that Iā€™ve chosen the most rigorous courses available in my country. I also understand that coming from personal email addresses this probably meant nothing to admission officers. Maybe they didnā€™t even finish reading my application because of this. (This makes me sick to my stomach beacuse I worked extremely hard on my personal essay and I can safely say itā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve written up till now). I donā€™t want to feel like this mistake or disadvantage took away a huge opportunity from me. I understand that this may not be the only/ reason for my rejection but after two weeks of reflecting I think itā€™s a very good one.

Is there anything that can be done? Can I call the admissions office? Email them? Would they sympathize with the fact that my school seriously does not have official emails if I can send proof that everything was indeed done the right way?

I would appreciate the help. Thank you very much.

I donā€™t think that the LORs are the reason you were rejected from Harvard. Iā€™m sure admissions officials have seen things sent many different ways ā€“ particularly from international applicants. It is highly unlikely that you will turn a no into a yes (acceptance rates were under 5% overall and likely half of that for international applicants) so I will start the chorus of people telling you to move on.

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Itā€™s not just the LORs though, thatā€™s the whole point. Anything that should have been official and they explicitly stated should be official, wasnā€™t. Because it was sent from a personal email.

I donā€™t know how to phrase what I want to say properly. I knew what my chances were before I applied, and I know turning a no into a yes is virtually impossible. I just want to feel that Iā€™ve done what I could if that makes sense?

This is not the reason. Outside the US, teachers often only have personal emails. Every university knows this.

The reality is that, on average, Harvard accepts one student from Jordan every other year. The international acceptance rate is just too low.

At this point, you need to move on to plan b.

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Iā€™m really sorry that this happened to you, but you need to realize that itā€™s probably not the reason that you were rejected.

Harvard only takes the absolute top students from the international pool. That means people who are considered to be among the very top students in their country. If you had evidence that you were, say, among the top ten students in your entire country, and had submitted that, and they had been interested in you, but had needed your information submitted in some other way, I think that they might have contacted you. From what you relate, it appears that they didnā€™t do that.

Certainly, when applying as an international student, itā€™s not enough to have been the top student in your high school, or to have taken the most rigorous courses available to you in your location.

You really need to focus your energy on moving forward with your education, in the best way available to you. Look forward, not backward. Let it go. It was a lottery ticket with extremely low odds, it didnā€™t get picked, you shouldnā€™t focus on it. Move forward with your life. Do you have any other US acceptances that you can take? Do you have college options in your own country?


I do not have any US acceptances. I applied to ridiculously few schools. One reason for that was, to me, getting full financial aid wold have been a deal breaker if I were to get accepted. So you can imagine how selective the schools I picked must have been to offer full financial aid to international students.

I do have some great college options here and I plan on applying again next year to a number of colleges abroad, not just in the US.

Thank you though, you reply made me want to cry (in the best was possible).


Iā€™m in the same boat! I applied to very few schools - only the ones offering full scholarships to international studentsā€¦ I was rejected by 2 and accepted by the other 3- but with only partial scholarships.
This is especially hard because I put in a lot of work and was finally admitted to a college I love, but due to financial constraints, I wonā€™t be able to attend.
How Iā€™ve dealt with it is to move forward and focus on my next steps. I know it seems hard as the last few months of your life were focused on these schools, but start applying to ones in your country, and maybe look into some other countries that offer good financial aid like Netherlands.
We have our whole lives ahead of us, and a whole lot of time to attend these schools. It took me a while to get this, and while Iā€™m still a bit disappointed, I hope I was able to help make you feel a bit better :smiley:
Hope you get into a great college and have a wonderful life <3


Damn. Where you choosing?