Hello, i have applied to Harvard College as a transfer student for fall 2019. I have completed everything except for sending in the SAT/ACT scores as i have never taken these tests. I have emailed Harvard admissions several times and have received no response as to whether or not they will review my application. I decided to apply to Harvard last minute and so did not have the tests readily available.
I am 23 years old and had graduated high school with a 1.4 GPA, so you can imagine that SAT tests were never on my mind during those years. During my whole time in community college i was planning on transferring to a local state school. It wasn’t until late February that i had decided to apply which was to late for registering for an SAT.
All i want is for Harvard to review my application, because i had spent a lot of my time on it. I understand that i will be rejected, but it would be nice to receive that rejection letter and know that they had at least read my essay.
Do you think i will still be reviewed by Harvard?
Thank you!