So school is going to end soon and besides academics and studying for the SAT this summer, what should I do if I’m aiming to attend Harvard Business, Cornell, or MIT? So far I haven’t done much so I should probably do a lot. I’m going to be a Junior next year and this is what I’ve done so far:
- GPA: 3.8-3.9
- PSAT (new): 1140 (I'm working everyday this summer to improve, including personal tutor)
- Principals list every year
- I've taken the hardest classes possible (Honors) at my school so far and my next year's schedule is
AP Chem
AP Government
AP English Language and Composition
Spanish 4
Extra Curriculars:
- Key Club (member)
- Science Olympiad (member)
- Future NHS member
- Future PRIDE member
- Trying to start a business this summer (clothing line)
- Over $500 earned in the Stock Market
- Going to take online courses from Ivy League schools this summer
- I debate on (probably does nothing for me)
- Volunteering this summer
- Varsity Soccer
- Ping Pong Club member
- Planning on taking coding classes this summer
Now I know this doesn’t look good, so I’d be glad to hear some good suggestions (positive or negative) on what I need to do to get into these schools.
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
***Most likely doesn’t help but my father went to MIT and Harvard Medical School.
*** NOTE: I posted this on the wrong thread before, sorry if you read this twice
Harvard doesn’t have an undergraduate business program. Get good grades in school, a good standardized SAT score, and extracurriculars that you enjoy. Even then, they will all be reaches and no one can tell you if you will get in.
If you are going to major in business, then you need to have stellar Business EC’s. Found an Economics or Investment Club, keep trading on the stock market, raise money for your school, write a paper, etc.
I’m not sure I can personally speak for business, since I am interested in bio/pre-med, but as for the schools themselves, if the GPA you have listed is your UW, then you’re in pretty good shape grades-wise. I do think you should work hard to improve your SAT since it is considerably lower than the 25th percentile of all these schools. I would recommend at least 1500 or 1550 to have a decent shot.
And yes, as others have also mentioned, you should participate in more business or economics related activities. Try doing something on a very big scale like publishing an economics paper or creating your own business. Good luck!
I would love it if you could chance me back here:
I’m not going to chance, since admissions to any of these highly selective schools is a crapshoot. I will, however, caution the OP to take the advice of HS students who have not been through the process and have no concept of how much they do not know with a huge grain of salt.
Having said that, the first response hits the nail on the head. Good luck.
I’d say try to launch a start-up of some kind and get some real business experience. Look for and join any local community business clubs or associations to make contacts. You should be looking at Cornell, MIT, Georegtown, Berkeley, ?Notre Dame for undergrad business programs. Granted for UCB, you have to apply to Haas at the end of your second year. Good Luck.
also NYU Stearn. If you are just thinking about HBS for grad school, a STEM major at any top college will help your chances.
Thanks, any tips on raising my PSAT score? I take it next year and I got a 1140
I will get a tutor this summer but what else should I do to improve it?
I agree with previous posters on starting a club. Join Future Business Leader of America and if it’s not available start it. MIT Launch is a great program. Raise your ACT/SAT score up and try to take Subject tests during your junior year! STUDY STUDY STUDY your butt off! Do more things that make you stand out in the college admissions process! You’re on the right track just keep putting in your all. Take next year seriously. The way I see it is that exceptional schools accept exceptional students.
Before you do anything else, focus on improving your test score and GPA. Without a better test score, you can forget about these schools. Just do as many practice test as you can and learn from the question you missed. After you get a solid score, then you can set up a list of schools to apply and see what other area you may improve.
Thanks, any tips on raising my PSAT score? I take it next year and I got a 1140
I will get a tutor this summer but what else should I do to improve it?