Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I think he/she is referring to the button under the financial aid application.

i think the interview holds more weight for harvard than other similar schools


I hope so! My son got an interview and (he thought) it went very well.

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Which country are you from? Do you live in an urban metro area?

I don’t think it does. I received my interview less than a week after submitting my application so there wouldn’t have been time to look it over and decide that I’m worth interviewing. My interviewer also said that every student in my state had an interview(Not many applicants from my area). This leads me to believe that the interviews weren’t assigned for any other reason than location.


i live in nyc, is this abt the date which i got my interview? if so, my interview email said “Congratulations on being chosen to receive an interview…” so i do not think it was a decision based on regional factors? i am not sure tho

Harvard only prescreens applicants in high urban metro areas, like in NYC. Anywhere else, it’s all just based on availability.

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yeah, that def makes sense ty. i also go to an ultra competitive hs so that also adds up lol

is that deserved sarcasm? lol.
also, you seem to have a little more experience with what is a typical cc rumour and what has a little truth in it- do you know anything about what having an interview with the ao handling ur case means vs an interview w/ alum? I got my harvard interview a little later (beginning, mid march) and it was with my ao. Am I grasping at straws?

I am from a rural area and my interviewer was from Los Angeles which is about an hour and a half away. What does this mean lol.

AO interview is good sign


You are grasping at straws. It was all hands on deck for interviews this year.


If no interview; is that automatic reject? Or 4% chance went down to 0.5% chance :wink:

Interviews were randomly assigned based on availability

my interviewer specifically told me it meant you were shortlisted and even offered a congratulation; was she just misinformed? or is it different for every geographical region, as it was speculated that applicants from metro/urban areas are prescreened and thus it is not random for them?

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Applicants were not prescreened. Interviewers were not told that an interview meant the applicant was shortlisted.

Were there some high profile applications flagged for an interview? Undoubtedly. But that number was very small.

that would make the most sense, ty. i wonder why she said that then? even specifically going into detail how “less-qualified applicants were weeded out” and also congratulated on “being chosen”. she was an alumni, not ao, so that might be why.

I updated some materials on February 16, do you think admission officers would read it? Or I uploaded it too late?

They read it

oh I was about to correct myself. I’ve asked aroung and we were six people in my class who applied (or who, at least, are openly saying we applied). The other five were interviewed by alumni in the area. Also, I found a court doc from the Harvard lawsuit stating that 3% of US applicants get AO interviews. Furthermore, I’ve asked in a few college blogs and an overwhelming majority have gotten alum interviews (maybe three or four got AO). While I still heavily doubt I will get in (it is a reach) nor is Harvard my dream school (I got into my REA), I just wanted to share that info w/ anybody who is asking the same question as I am. Also, and I say this with no malintent or negativity but I hope that when you’re responding to questions from cc users, you are researching/are sure of your answer before automatically putting people down (which I’ve seen is a general trend for you- although admittedly a lot of the things we ask are about obvious urban myths). :slight_smile: I’ve attached a link below that refers to the official quote about AO interviews. Thank you for responding either way!