Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Link: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/1865-harvard-admissions-process/fcb2b57c15f154b139df/optimized/full.pdf

Pages 15-16 in the footnotes

You have asked this question repeatedly and then you post a link that says applicants who interview with an AO are accepted > than 50%.

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I think you have a good shot. I understand the waiting game is the worst, but Tuesday will come and we will get our decisions. Just take a deep breath and try to keep yourself busy until decisions come out :slight_smile:

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Is there any portal astrology if so can someone tell me

I am familiar with the lawsuit docs, thank you. To that end, I have also repeatedly said that this admissions cycle is like no other. It is folly to look at trends from past cycles. But believe what you want. Good luck and let us know how it turns out on April 6.


I didn’t get an interview does that mean I’m out


same here :frowning:

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My daughter got an interview but that was probably just due to availability in our area. Her interviewer was an alum of her school. Only a 10% acceptance rate at her high school and according to Naviance an average ACT of 35 for accepted students.

does the ivy league usually notify applicants that they have a status update by email or just the ones they accept

They notify you when decisions will be posted and provide a link. You are not notified of the decision.

yeah so let’s say on april 6 at 7 pm will i get an email to check my portal

They already announced it will be at 7PM EST on April 6. Just check in the portal at that time.

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yeah i know but i was j wondering if they’ll email us hahaha

not sure; when i got deferred yale scea they didnt send anything lol a status update just showed up on the portal. so might not tbh

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idk about rural applicants but, in my area, applicants are screened for interviews so I’d assume the same applies to other densely populated urban areas. My interviewer said that this year they screened them and the email I received that said I was selected for an interview and to expect someone to reach out to me indicated that there were about 800 interviews being given out in my area.

hey i don’t wanna cause any anxiety but
https: //college. harvard.edu/ admitted-students-login

for this link, once u remove the spaces, can everyone log-in with their portal, or is this an unconfirmed theory (I saw it somewhere else but wanted to have a larger sample size w CC and all)


didnt work for me

Didn’t work for me either

Is it worth logging into something like this?? I know most decisions are already made but I remember seeing that colleges don’t like when you try these portal astrologies