Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

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Intended major is Math


I have an upload material section, damn.

lmao same

i think everyone has that dw

Haha, I wish too that it was true :sleepy:

everyone still has upload materials, right?

yeah i believe so

I’m p sure yes

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everyone still have the “withdraw form unavailable” thingy?


I have not even applied to Harvard, but I really want to say that I am very proud of everyone who has even dared to apply to Harvard.
It doesn’t matter if you are rejected, everything happens for one’s own good!
All the best guys, hope for the best! :slightly_smiling_face:


When i get home from school im going to eat two vegan ice cream sandwiches, go to sleep, and view my decisions tomorrow morning

no just kidding i am not patient

also how do u guys feel about sharing ur own acceptance through social media? I feel like our generation should end that because it just perpetuates this college-related stress and the idea that where u go for undergrad matters a lot.

if someone gets into Harvard and they don’t post it on facebook, did they get into Harvard at all? yes.


Good point

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i don’t like when people post and flaunt that they got in, because some people who applied to those schools got rejected and i feel like those people who post are just throwing it in their face.

honestly, a school is a school. no matter ivy league or not, it depends on what YOU make of the situation. i have met a lot of people who have gone to ivy leagues and not come out successful, and i have also met lots of them who have. on the other hand, i have met a lot of people who went to state schools or community college and became VERY successful.

yes, ivy leagues give connections but then again it’s what you make of the experience. with that said, it is a bit ironic that i’m saying a “school is a school” as i’m on the harvard thread. but nevertheless good luck everyone! <3 love y’all no matter what happens


Hopefully everyone here has already had a good card in hand. Today’s admission would make it better. At least parents have something to brag… :rofl:

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or ramen, go with veganramen

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I’m sorry that you’ve had so many rejections. Clearly, you’ve worked very hard, and are very high-achieving. You’re going to do extremely well in whatever you want to become, wherever you go, even if you wind up going to your flagship state U’s honors program, which I’m assuming was your safety school. From what I can see, the flagship state U’s are becoming better and better, as more and more high-achieving students wind up choosing to go to them for the value.

No one knows other than the current admissions committee, but I think they’re looking for people with either national or international level achievement in a field or skill that the particular college is interested in, or for which it has a lot of respect. Think of finalists in ISEF Regeneron science, Olympic/World level athletes, even if it’s not a sport school has, national or int’l winners of music/art/lit competitions, national/int’l leaders of student organizations, high achieving actors, young people who’ve already made an impact upon politics or social issues, etc.

There are as many heads of student councils as there are high schools in the US.


just a question for clarification, everyone can see a link to the admitted students website in the source code of the applicant portal right?


yk how reddit make billionaires lose a bunch of money w gamestop? we should do that w harvard (next year) by not applying