Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

wait so source code is same for EVERYONE ?

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exactly like the people who say “stats aren’t everything” and then proceeds to list a 1590 and 7.0 (UW) GPA with every award in existence. there’s a fine line between being happy and boasting/showing off



yes yes

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your experience with the few “tone deaf” posts doesn’t mean it’s okay to generalize everyone posting an acceptance and say it’s rubbing it in people’s faces. just congratulate them and move on lol, or if it bothers you there’s block buttons, unfollow buttons, and mute buttons, simple as that.

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Lets enjoy a 5 hour period of silence


respectfully, i disagree. if someone wants to post their acceptances they have a right to do so, no matter how numerous or regardless of people like yourself who complain and whine about not having the same good fortune and consider it “flexing.” again, mute the story and go about your day if it bothers you but ultimately you can’t just disregard the adrenaline rush someone feels in that moment that makes them want to literally share it with the world. go somewhere

precisely. There’s a fine line between sharing b/c one is happy and sharing just to flex and there are quite a few ppl who overstep greatly. I esp hate it when ppl say “omg i’m such a horrible student omg how did i get into harvard” esp when they are multigenerational legacies with weak profiles.


I for one love seeing people post their acceptances! It makes me so happy for them


BRO at the end of the day im just saying that college acceptance posts stress people out, make them feel bad, and only give presitigious institutions more power that they DO NOT NEED
if u want to tell ur friends - text them! - bc most likely ur followers include ppl who barely know u and then its kindaaaa just bragging cuz like why do they need to know u got in? it just is kind of exposing them to the unhealthy atmosphere of college admissions
most everyone texts their friends / fam AND posts on socials … which is kinda like come on now


I’m pretty certain you can’t inspect element into your decision. Someone on Reddit explains why.

Here’s an instance where Harvard rejected people that used an exploit .

Best of luck to everyone!

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i’m not saying there’s anything wrong with sharing your acceptance. it’s rather the way in which you share it-- the rhetoric, etc. there’s a way to be courteous/respectful to others

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maybe you should clarify this? instead of just telling people not to post their acceptances because it’s “flexing,” simply say you dislike people who gloat or go about it in an unbecoming way. specify who your issue is with rather than generalizing and taking issue with everyone who posts an acceptance. personally i’ve never seen people saying things along the lines of, “im so dumb, how’d i get into harvard?” everytime i see a friend post an acceptance, i congratulate them because thats what i know i’d like someone to do for me.

I was referencing tone-deaf comments that include like the example above: “omg i’m such a horrible student omg how did i get into harvard." Idk if it’s because of our different locations, but I’m surrounded by legacy rich kids who pull that ■■■■ all the time it’s tiring because if they were any other student they wouldn’t be given a second look.

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exactly!! like there’s a time and place and audience.

EVERYONE let’s just chill in peace… We have less than 5 hours left and we WILL and CAN get through this. Best of luck to each and every one of you!!


its not that i dont feel happy for ppl when they get in - i just think that if we are OH SO aware of the stress this process entails, and we ourselves have been victims of that stress, it feels wrong to me personally to create or contribute to that stress for others (cuz unfortunately, even if seeing college acceptances makes ppl feel happy for others, i think it also makes ppl crave one day being able to have the validation of posting abt getting accepted to a prestigious university)

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If you are so concerned about getting caught up in the unhealthy college admissions game, why are you here? This site is for sharing… the good and the bad.

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nooo im not talking about college confidential - on here this kind of talk is expected
im talking abt insta, fb, etc.


Oh, OK. That makes a difference.

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