Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

Why are you so sure about that? I had an interview but I think that internationals without and interview have the same chances as internationals with interview.

In my country at least. Harvard is weird with it. Like only 2 people get in every 5 years or so. It’s a black box.

Are you an AO? If you’re not, you can’t make statements, as facts, like this. Yes, you’ve looked at historical data, but that doesn’t prove anything. Causation vs correlation.


They don’t see the apps until after a decision has been made. Im sure they mean institutional admissions Decisions. It goes public in 10 days. Financial aid will have students information by now.

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He answered that by talking about institutional needs and how the “buckets” change year to year. It seems that the same applicant (and application) may be rejected one year but admitted another due to the class composition. Ultimately, there’s no way of knowing year to year, hence the large number of overqualified kids getting rejected. (He said usually they could fill 3 classes and that the process is truly holistic.)

But yes, it’s tough when you see applicants getting in with lesser stats/qualifications.

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Once you figure this our - you start gaming the system. Hence they need to shuffle things around so that they can keep us guessing 
 :slight_smile: :grin:

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You need an interview to get in as an international. I’d rather be fully honest with Sofia. Especially in Spain ( I know someone who got in REA with interview), where they have enough interviewers. Colleges lie all the time. Harvard says you don’t need one but every sensible person knows that you need o

hey im a uk applicant and didnt receive interview but all my friends did . my grades and application us. significantly stronger tho ? r they selective for uk ?

That’s not true. A person from Pakistan I know got in REA without an interview.


In the UK interviews are based more on availability. I don’t know if there is a certain criteria of selectivity but it shouldn’t since most UK applicants are interviewed

Unless you have data on every single Harvard applicant for x amount of years, you can’t make any definitive conclusions.

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Yes, FA told me they dont see the applications until after a decision is made (internally), this could be weeks ago, months ago - Im sure many apps get down to the wire and FA are very busy the last few weeks. But of course they see them before we hear the actual decision.

im j worried why I wasn’t when all my friends at my London private shl were , unless it was random ?

Is your friend a part of the class of 2026?

Class of 2027

I honestly can’t give you an answer. For Sofia I could say for sure it was a bad sign but for your case, you can only wait and see
 let me know how it goes!

I don’t need to know every single applicant haha. I know enough from my friends at Harvard who are international students and who ALL got an interview that you need one.

I thought nobody from Spain has been accepted, congratulations to her/him.

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UK interviews have been quite weird this year. I go to a London school and got my interview request on Jan 27th for it to be done virtually. I know quite a few people haven’t received interviews though. This has tended to be more prevalent amongst those outside of England.

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