Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

Print it out. Cross off the incorrect numbers and write the correct number next to it and intial next to that. Sign and date the last page. Then upload to IDOC. Then call each school’s FA office and ask if the upload to IDOC is sufficient or if they want it sent specifically to them through their portal or email (yes some schools ask for this sensitive information to be sent through email to a general inbox which makes me uneasy). For example, Penn does not use IDOC. Harvard does not want it sent to them and just wants it sent to IDOC. Also, be prepared for moderate level verification follow-up since you have corrected your CSS and corrected more than once. Good luck!

Agree! Just the fact that you believe that you are truly competitive enough to gain acceptance to Harvard means you have probably done amazing things and are highly motivated and driven…so you will have a great college experience and great future WHEREVER you go. Also, take the 2000 number of admits subtract the 727 ED admits to get 1,273. Now divide in half to get male of female and you are left with 637. Then subtract any admits that are legacies, recruited athletes, huge donors, and children of Harvard employees (although many of these apply ED but many are deferred as well since Harvard defers about 80% of ED applicants). So whatever number you are left with now…400 or so??? Not sure if it is 300 or 400 or 500. But that is what you are looking at. Pretty low odds. Now take your race as a percentage of admits and multiply it by that number. For example, 12 percent Latinx times 400 of your sex = 48. So, in this case, is your profile one of the top 48 Latinx students of your sex in the world that applying to H that is not in one of the groups mentioned above? If so, GREAT! If not, please don’t take that as invalidation of all of your hardwork over the past 4 years. There are many other great T20 schools and non-T20 schools where you will have an amazing experience, make life-long friends, grow as a person, and learn the same stuff that they do at Harvard e.g. Krebs Cycle. Y’all got this. The world is your oyster!


Is anyone still getting alumni interviews, or are they past the point where they are scheduling them?

Afraid its past the alumni interviewing stage.

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I emailed my college counselor asking if I should worry about not being interviewed. He basically said that they have such an overflow of applicants that they rarely get close to interviewing most candidates, especially as a lot of alumni don’t interview for long after seeing so many great candidates get rejected. So I wouldn’t sweat it.

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I agree with you , but I think that this is a little bit different with international students

do you know for sure? a friends daughter just had her interview saturday - so I wondered if they were still scheduling them…

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Everything I hear on that seems to be an A2C/CC rumor. I wouldn’t hedge my bets on it

Not 100% sure, but a reliable source said that all interviews have been scheduled. So some interviews may still happen but they have been already scheduled.

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With decisions out in 9 days, I doubt interviews will still be going out, unless an AO directly interviews an applicant to make a decision.

Do you think they can make a decision in full Comitee without having an interview report of the applicant?(In the case of International students)

Do you think for international applicants they can still make a decision (get a student in) without having given him or her an interview? Even if in you same country another applicant has received an interview?

Do you think for international applicants you can still get in without having had an interview request? Even if in your same country another person did get an interview?

Just wait 10 days and you will find out… It’s too late anyway.


From https://college.harvard.edu/guides/what-expect-after-you-apply:

“Your application is considered complete without an interview and will receive a full and thorough evaluation. In most cases, the Admissions Committee has sufficient information in the student’s application materials to reach an admissions decision.”

I am a random high schooler who doesn’t work in Harvard admissions, so whatever I think doesn’t really matter (neither does anything anyone else says on this thread, by the way, unless they’re a Harvard AO in disguise). So I choose to believe their word.


Hi! Do you think they have to admit the same number of boys and girls per country ? I have read that they usually admit 1 boy and 1 girl or even 2 boys and 2 girl from an specific country, but there is a lot of fake information

Hi that is weirdly true. They do that in my country.

They do not.

No. As an international you will be rejected sadly

“You will not be at a disadvantage if an interview cannot be arranged.”

“While we try to make interviewers as widely available as possible, it will not always be possible for a student to have an interview. The absence of an interview will not adversely affect your candidacy.”

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