Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

Forgot to mention, D got interview during restricted early action period so was also hopeful based on that good experience but in the end deferred.

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Can anyone see ā€œaward letter dateā€ on CSS page? Especially for Harvard

No - but it means nothing. I can only see dates for a school I was admitted to and a school that I noted on CSS I would ED to and to which ended up applying RD, but CSS shows the ED date. Thereā€™s no date for another school I was admitted to and received financial aid from.

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No, I donā€™t

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Thank you. I donā€™t have either. I was curious, if anyone have it

I know this is late, but reading this as decisions should be coming out soon. I donā€™t understand how athletics and extracurriculars are treated mutually exclusive. For a student athlete who reaches a high level in a sport, whether or not they are recruited, it is unlikely that there would be much time left to make the same impact in an extracurricular.


Unfortunately, there seem to be plenty of kids who spend upwards of 20hrs a week on a sport and also at least a couple of impactful ECs with leadership, plus take the hardest classes and get all As, top AP scores, top of their class, etc, and still manage to sleep. The pool is just very deep with off-the-charts efficient and amazing students, way more than they can accept. Unless one is an Olympic-level athlete or a recruited athlete or hooked, impactful ECs are necessary but still no where near sufficient for acceptance.


I have it for Stanford, but I was rejected on REA. And its date is December 15, the day they released decisions. So, it probably doesnā€™t mean anything. Good luck!

Since Ivy Day is fast approaching, I want to recommend this book for you (or your kids, if you are a parent) ā€œWhere you Go is not Who you will beā€ https://www.amazon.com/Where-You-Not-Who-Youll/dp/1455532681. Also, Iā€™d like to add that my son currently attends Harvard and there are times he really wishes heā€™d chosen our flagship state school. Itā€™s a weird bubble there and much of the culture is not conducive to happiness or good mental health. So sometimes we get the things we want but it doesnā€™t turn out as well as we hoped, while other times we donā€™t get what want and it turns out to be a blessing. Lots of people who donā€™t get into the Ivy League go on to live successful, meaningful, and happy lives. Donā€™t base your worth as a person or predict your future based on what happens over the next couple of days :heart:


Thank you for this reminder and for the book rec :slight_smile:


By use of the term flagship are you referring to SUNY schools Buffalo and Stony Brook? NY governor uses those terms for those two schools.

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Yes, that is true, but, Iā€™m trying to understand the nature of athletics as itā€™s own column. Did someone say that (from understanding Harvardā€™s admissions via the lawsuit) there are six columns of measurement? What happens to the student who has stellar extracurriculars but not in the column of athletics? I guess it doesnā€™t matter that the athletics column is zero?

Applicants are not disadvantaged for not participating in sport. It can only add to an application.


Typically the term ā€œflagshipā€ refers to the most prominent public school in a state (and typically the most competitive to get into) For instance, here in TX our Flagship is UT Austin, in Michigan it would be University of Michigan, in Virginia - UVA. Something along those lines. Students who have a realistic shot at the Ivies will most likely get into their state flagship universities as well.

There are plenty of students at Harvard who werenā€™t athletes. Lots of singers, musicians, actors, writers, inventors etc. But in all of those cases, they are beyond ordinary, itā€™s not just checking a box. They want outliers.

I will get into Harvard for environmental science and public policy because I am very capable and will change the world.
Letā€™s go.


Does anyoneā€™s Slate say decided? Mine still says complete.

Nope still on completeā€¦I think itā€™s like that for everyone

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Well, my kid did most of those things, always spent at least 40 hrs/wk on ECs, (accepted a couple of years ago), but didnā€™t get enough sleep. When the pandemic hit, first thing they did when everything stopped was SLEEP for a week. Looking back, we realized that it had been very unhealthy to have gone for so long with not enough sleep.


Mine is complete (updated early this morning)