Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

Hi, I’m from Spain, i would like to talk with you @Sofia24


The general consensus is that domestic interviews are non-selective as there is an abundance of alumni to conduct interviews. We are discussing interviews in the context of international applicants.

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Seems like a colossal waste of an alum’s time, interviewing those who have zero chance of admission. With Zoom, it seems it would be more efficient to utilize their alums to interview those (domestic and international) who they are actually interested in.


Some schools conduct interviews for the purpose of keeping student interest and yield. Of those schools that are reaching out for interviews a matter of days after submitting the application (domestic)- they have most likely not reviewed those apps yet. But interviews that are conducted further out like feb and March May have more meaning Since higher probability of having apps reviewed at least by one reader.


Yes I meant only for international applicants. For US students it means nothing

Spain interviews have already been sent I think. A friend of mine there got one a month ago… If it’s the same as in other EU countries, all students are notified at the same time?

I would agree but alum interviewers volunteer their time and I’ve heard that they choose how many students they wish to interview (@skieurope correct me if I am mistaken). Then again, IVP ratings tell us that some students are prioritised for interview.

You are correct

Hey! A girl from Spain told me that she got her interview a couple of days ago… So It seems they send them at different days


Do you think It can be possible that interviewers don’t send emails in the same day for everyone?

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According to what you’ve reported on the other post, these IVPs have nothing to do with merit. Let’s take for example a rating of 4: “An applicant for whom the Admissions Committee needs no additional information. This applicant need not be interviewed”. It just states that “the AC needs no additional information”, it doesn’t say “the AC needs no additional information because the student is too bad/good”. So I don’t understand why no interview = bad sign. (I’m talking about internationals obviously, not domestic students)

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Hey! I am in the same situation as you. Other people got an interview in my country but I didn’t. Do you now something about this? Like if the interviewers may do a second round if sending interviews?

Because previous years have shown us that internationals rarely, if at all, get in without an interview.

What’s your sample size? A bunch of CC’ers?

To use some AP Stats terminology, you’re attempting to derive a parameter by using a statistic from a biased sample. Unless you have admissions results from every single international applicant at Harvard, along with their interview status, you really can’t make any conclusions.


Hello, do you know if interviews for international students within the same country can be send in different days?

Not only possible, but probable. Interviewers work on their own time schedule

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Thank you so much for giving me Hope. Do you think I might still get an interview too even if other people from my country were already contacted?

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It’s possible

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Have you ever seen It happen?