Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

All I know is: one guy told me that his interviewer told him that the interviews for my country had all been assigned; and the deadline for interviews in my country was yesterday. But from past posts from you and the other Spanish student, it seems like the interviews for one country are not always held around the same time, so maybe there is still a chance.
I think that at this point the only thing left to do is just wait and see, and hope for the best. Because all we’re saying here is basically “one guy told me that another guy told him…”, “I once saw on a online forum that…”, “I was told that…”.
Get into Harvard is difficult, with or without interview, just don’t loose hope and let’s see what happens.

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Of course. Spain is a large country. They have move than one interviewer

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But why would they have different interviewers ? Isn’t It easier to have just one person? I mean, they do not interview face to face anyways, all meetings are through Skype,Zoom…

Because interviews are done by willing alums, who probably work and have their own lives. Regardless of how the interview is done, there’s only so much time in their day.

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So you think even if it is the same person he might organize himself by sending the emails with some days of difference? Sorry for asking many questions but, what do you think if the interviewers are different? Don’t they have to send interviews on the same day anyways?

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The girl Who got an interview is being interviewed by the previous president of Harvard Club of Spain

And probably also because from each country there are hundreds of applicants, so once person is not enough

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I just can Hope that he has so little time that he decided to interview one person each week and therefore is contacting each of us in different days

I think we shouldn’t worry. Probably there is more than one interviewer per country, but there are hundreds of applicants in each country, and maybe interviews are just held randomly. They’ll contact us if they have time or just if they want, if they don’t contact us I still think we should not worry too much

Interview or not, it’s extremely difficult to get into Harvard. It’s a reach school for everyone. All the applicants did their best. Don’t worry about things you can’t control. Best of luck to all the applicants! Everyone deserves a chance.


Is your friend an athlete? I mean, is he selected to participate in any Harvard team? Please, if you are 100% sure he got It, I would be really grateful for you telling more about it if possible because if it is true that he got his interview one month ago, then emails are not send all in the same day

Because there are likely hundreds of applicants and interviewers are alumni with jobs and family. Each interviewer is only handling a small number of applicants

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Thank you, in Spain there are not a lot of applicants but I will continue trying to hope for the best

My interviewer said that she was the only one interviewing for my country.


She may have said that, but I highly doubt there is only one interviewer for your country

There are likely more than you think. There are currently 11 undergrads from Spain, so on average 3 per year. Given the acceptance rate, you’re likely looking at 100-150 applicants.

Yes definitely. There are many interviewers, so one might be more quick to send requests. First time @skieurope and I agree, haha.

Thank you, are you sure then that your Spanish friend got his interview a month ago?

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It really doesn’t matter when anyone else received their interview. What matters is if you will or will not get one and at this point, there’s not much you can do. Harvard is extremely difficult to get into, particularly in this admission season. With or without an interview your application is what it is at this point. I know it’s stressful, but there’s no use comparing yourself to others. As others on this thread have said, there are probably more applicants than you think from your country and there are multiple interviewers. So at this point there really isn’t a pattern that can be figured out. Only Harvard knows what they’re doing. Good luck! You will know soon!!

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It does happen. I’ve seen international requests go out in March.