Harvard Extension School ALM in IT/Digital Arts & Sciences

<p>Hello All,</p>

<p>I am looking to get information on the Masters of Liberal Arts degree in IT with a concentration in Digital Arts & Sciences. </p>

<p>Note: I've already made up my mind about the program so I'm not looking to hear any negative things about the school. (I've read through a few posts on here and they tend to be negative towards the Extension program and I'm not really looking for that).</p>

<p>I plan to start the first of my 3 classes to get admitted starting in January. I've already spoken with an admissions counselor and I'm making preparations to take the "Fundamentals of Web Design" course as the first course. </p>

<p>My questions are as follows:</p>

<p>1) What are the best courses to take for the 3 preadmission requirements that will count towards the degree? Keep in mind, my first 3 courses will have to be online because I don't plan on moving to the Cambridge area until I am actually accepted into the program. My goal is to complete all 3 of my courses next year by taking one in the Spring, 1 in the summer and one in the fall. I would like to know which courses should I focus on first towards getting admitted into the program. </p>

<p>2) I would like to hear from anyone who has gotten this degree in this particular concentration and what can I expect from the program as far as classes, on campus courses and just the overall program in general?</p>

<p>3) Any advice for someone looking to complete the degree program within 2 years. Even though I will start my courses in January, I know that I probably won't get admitted into the program until the following year (2011 sometime). My goal is to complete my coursework and thesis for graduation by 2012. </p>

<p>Also, I've been trying to research thesis proposals for this particular concentration just to an idea of what I should expect but I haven't been too lucky in finding anything. So anyone who has had experience with the thesis projects for the Digital Arts concentration can you give me a little insight on what type of projects they are looking for?</p>