<p>Kinglin, the term “in residence” does not mean living on campus. “In residence” basically means taking classes continuously ONLY at that school. This term comes up a lot with undergraduate education, where schools generally like graduates to be “in residence” for the final two years, during which time, once committed to a program, they would no longer get credit/transfer credit from classes taken elsewhere.</p>
<p>If the website says there is no difference between the online and on-campus program, it is referring to the online and on-campus Extension School program, not the regular Harvard program. By “on-campus” they are referring to Extension School classes taken in actual classrooms. This is entirely separate from the selective Harvard undergrad and grad courses (unless, as someone said, you win approval to take those classes after getting good grades in 4 classes; even then, you are a “special student” and not a regular Harvard student).</p>
<p>Please notice that the degrees are different at HES. The degree of “Master of Liberal Arts” is not the same degree that students at Harvard University’s other graduate programs receive. At the undergraduate level, the BA in Liberal Studies in not the same as, say, a BA in English. HES is a continuing education school, not a traditional college program.</p>
<p>HES has a great reputation and I have read that professors really love teaching the mixed ages, mixed backgrounds, mixed abilities in the evening and weekend classes there. Many people are working and/or raising families. The classes are good, the teaching is good, and it is a great way to learn. Some students who already have degrees take the classes for enrichment.</p>
<p>But it is not the same as going to Harvard. </p>
<p>Some people seem to want to go to HES so they can have the Harvard name on their resume. I think it would be dishonest to indicate that you went to Harvard. The resume should indicate HES. If the degree indicates Harvard (and I have no idea if it does), and you list it that way, the title of your degree will indicate to knowledgeable people that you went to HES, but may impress some.</p>
<p>The best reason to choose HS would be the quality of the courses and diversity of students, the cost (it is cheaper than UMass Boston’s continuing education, and way, way cheaper than BU’s Metropolitan College), and the convenience of night/weekend/online courses for those who have other commitments in their lives.</p>
<p>People do get into good schools after HES. It can take a lot of perseverance to work and get a degree at the same time, and that effort can certainly be impressive to admissions folks.</p>