<p>Corina Tarniţă’s beauty certain gets you to notice her but has anyone read her accomplishments? Wow!!!</p>
[PhD] Harvard University, Mathematics, expected june 2009. Advisor: Martin Nowak. </p>
<p>[M.A.] Harvard University, M.A. in Mathematics, june 2008. Thesis: The Minimal Model Program. Advisors: Izzet Coskun and Joe Harris.</p>
<p>[B.A.] Harvard University, B.A. awarded Magna cum Laudae (High Honors) with Highest Honors in Mathematics. Senior Thesis: The Debarred-de Jong Conjecture for Fano Varieties of Lines on Hypersurfaces. Advisor: Joe Harris.</p>
<p>[High school] C.N. Carol I, Craiova, Romania. School merit scholarship for outstanding academic achievement, 1998–2002. Valedictorian.</p>
[2006] Highest Honors in Mathematics awarded by the Harvard Department of Mathematics;</p>
<p>[2006] Magna cum Laudae (High Honors) awarded by Harvard University;</p>
<p>[2006] 2nd prize of the Friends of Mathematics Lecture Honoraria;</p>
<p>[2005] Harvard Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement;</p>
<p>[2005] Best Student Paper Award for the paper “On Dynamic Bit-Probe Complexity” at the International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP’05);</p>
<p>[2004] Robert Fletcher Rogers 1st Prize, awarded by the Harvard Mathematics Department for the talk ``Computing Order Statistics in the Farey Sequence’';
[2000] 1st place individual, 1st place teams, International Mathematical Contest ``Gheorghe Titeica'';</p>
<p>[2001, 2000, 1999] 1st prize, Romanian National Mathematical Olympiad;</p>
<p>[2001, 2000, 1999] Award for Excellence of the Romanian Mathematical Society (SSMR);</p>
<p>[1996–2002] 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize in national and regional Romanian competitions (Mathematics, Physics, English)</p>
<h2>[2002] Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English, grade A; Cambridge University, UK;</h2>
<p>I think Harvard attracts the highest number of International Math Olympiams of any college. Math is one of the “elite” majors at Harvard. I wonder is she took the infamous freshman math course - Math 55? It’s described as the hardest math course in the world. When my son encounters a kid who took & survived Math 55 he’ll mention it to me with some awe “Dad, I met a 55’er today”. Lisa Randall, the Harvard physics professor who some say is the next Steven Hawkings, took Math 55 as a Harvard freshman. Wiki her - also another impressive Harvard female.</p>