Hi all, I have found myself in the most amazing position of having to decide between Harvard and Stanford. Right now, I am at a complete standstill, and could use as much insight as possible before having to make my decision in May. I expect a bias from posting in this thread, so I will also be posting this same topic on Stanford’s page in hopes of acquiring as much insight as possible.
My ideas thus far:
I am definitely a STEM person, and although I am unsure of specifics, I know that I will be pursing a career in this field. I think Stanford has an edge since it is “inventing the future”. I also really value quality of life over anything else. I’m somewhat of a hippie and despise the kind of cut throat competitive kids that are willing to sell their mother’s soul for an A. I know that there is a mix of students in every crowd, but Harvard’s reputation of vomit-inducing pretentiousness really turns me off to the school. I’ve heard that Stanford sustains a collaborative and overall happier environment.
So, any thoughts? Please let me know if there is any information I can provide that will help. Thank you all in advance!