Harvard/Yale/Dartmouth *Really* Need-Blind?

<p>Hi, all-</p>

<p>All these three schools state need-blind policy on the website. They further claim that this policy is applicable even to international transfer student. </p>

<p>Is this <em>really</em> the truth? Or is there something we will never know?</p>

<p>What do you think? </p>

<p>Thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>Totally true.</p>

<p>it will be great if we can have a former/present college representative to explain</p>

<p>Unless this rep is your relatives or alikeā€¦</p>

<p>I have not seen any reason to doubt that these schools are need blind. Acceptance rates for both transfers and Intls. are very low, but need is not a factor that is considered in admissions.</p>