Harvard, Yale, or Princeton?

<p>hey lets stop the politics and go back to the colleges</p>

<p>princeton is hella tite
hey i use to live right by bejing u.
pshhhhhhhhh all our family frineds taught there
is it reallt that awesome?
i never new...
passed it on the way to daycare...</p>

<p>spincut - what the hell are you talking about. You lost me.</p>

<p>the point being that one really isnt any more radical than the other, they both siphon from the same till.</p>


<p>I don't know about you guys, but Bunker Hill Community College is definitely on the A-list of famous colleges. I hear they offer great financial aid for students who break a 600 on their SATs.</p>

<p>i would die to go to yale. (not literally, but...to that effect). </p>

<p>i'm a humanities person, so that's probably why....:)</p>

<p>I'd go with the Princeton Review top 5 for undergraduate ed.: Carleton, Pomona, Amherst, Smith, and Haverford (there are probably a dozen more); of the Ivies, Dartmouth ranks highest for undergrad ed., followed by Princeton.</p>

<p>Depends what you are looking for, of course. All great schools - and all different -- and it is wonderful to have choices!</p>

<p>So about grade inflation:</p>

<p>Does this occur at Yale to the extent that it does at Harvard? Compared to Princeton and Stanford?</p>

<p>btw, for those who say that Yale has no science, it ranked 10th in the nation in biology along with P-ton.</p>

<p>Finally, does anyone know how Columbia is in terms of biology?</p>

<p>princeton has the most grade DEflation out of HYPS. university policy this year is maximum of 35% of students in each course are allowed to have A's.</p>

<p>columbia in terms of biology...my AP bio teacher got his PhD from columbia. i guess its good then? columbia bio is def not a joke. theyve got a great med school.</p>

<p>"I don't know about you guys, but Bunker Hill Community College is definitely on the A-list of famous colleges. I hear they offer great financial aid for students who break a 600 on their SATs."</p>

<p>Make fun. but it was harder to get into the Middlesex Community College Nursing Program last year than into Harvard -- and legacy status or equestrian team experience wouldn't have helped.</p>