Harvey Mudd connections

<p>Give the kid a break! She was just happy about something. I didn't see the message as implying that she was going to cheat in any way to get in, but just "the more personal touch". Maybe you get accepted because your essay touches on a hot button for the essay reader, and that one little bit was enough to make your excellent essay and excellent stats stand out from the others. Maybe your 2300 SAT impressed the reviewer more than all the other 2300s because you work for 20 hours a week as well. If so, congratulations! You stand out! Maybe circumstances of life dictate that you have personal knowledge of someone on the admissions committee who can say to the others "this is a good kid". Is that cheating?</p>

<p>The two "geek moms" on this thread are absolutely right. Give her a break. I felt bad that my earlier response sounded a little snippy when I reread it.</p>