has anyone ever taken child development class?

<p>ok so i don't really like the class but i'm just taking it cause i need to the units to transfer and i only wanted 2 days of class a week and since i'm taking 15 units, i decided to take some online class and this is one of them that was offered. Anyways i asked my counselor if for this class that i need to visit some kids and write a report about it and she said probably not for child development one. Anyways checked the syllabus online yesterday and whoa, you have to research about a theorist and write a paper about them and answering all these questions, also you have to interview parents and ask them questions about their child, and also observed children of all ages to adults in a surroundings and ask questions. Has anyone that's taken a class ever done all these assignments or something similiar?</p>

<p>Yes, it is all standard stuff. Nothing special at all about that scenario.</p>

<p>I agree, that sounds pretty standard to me</p>