Has anyone heard rfom VT Engineer, Shoebox10, CompGeek, others from VT?

<p>I'm sure there is too much going on there and getting on the computer is far from their minds, but I'm hoping those guys and girls are okay.</p>

<p>Post when you can, we're thinking of you.</p>

<p>Shoebox10 has posted and she is okay. I don't know about any others but considering the extreme stress and distraught they are currently in I doubt we will see them posting soon. I'm sure they are okay... I shouldn't say that though because 3 days ago somebody would've told me what happened I would have said "I'm sure that won't happen." I really hope they are okay. God bless everyone.</p>

<p>Thanks Datkid. I saw that Shoebox had posted in the UVA forum after I wrote this, but haven't seen the others. I didn't really expect to have them post, but at least they will know we thought of them....</p>

<p>It is very considerate of you to wonder about this. I don't frequent the Vtech forums, but also wondered if CC'ers from Vtech were safe. God Bless them.</p>

<p>Still have not heard from VTEngineer who has been so helpful answering our VT questions. Hope he/she is safe and doing as well as can be expected under these horrendous circumstances. Hope to hear from VT Eng. soon. Septmom</p>

<p>I hope that all the VT posters are safe! My prayers go out to the whole VT community.</p>

<p>This is one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with... I knew the RA Ryan Clark from the 1st shooting...</p>

<p>compgeek...I am so sorry you have had to go through this and so glad to hear you are safe. Prayers that you and your fellow VT students soon find the peace that passes all understanding....</p>

<p>Thanks a ton for your consideration. I am fine...and am more proud than ever to be a member of the Virginia Tech community.</p>

<p>OH, CompGeek, and VTEngineer thanks for posting, and letting us know that you are okay!</p>

<p>compgeek, I wish I knew what to say to help you get through this. I am a mom and can't imagine what all of you are going through. The students and teachers whose lives were destroyed looked like wonderful people. I hope that the television stations talk more about their lives and how great they were. Maybe it would help to write down your feelings in a journal and/or write a letter about Ryan and give it to his family so they can continue to see how he touched others' lives in a positive way. Perhaps by helping his family, you can help yourself heal too. God Bless You, VTEnginner, and all of the VTech community.</p>

<p>Good to hear from you VTEngineer. </p>

<p>All the CC parents want to make sure their little CC ducklings are safe and sound and back in the nest, so we appreciate your checking in despite being the midst of such difficult times. I hear from my d at UNC-CH that the students there are absolutely devastated for their ACC compadres. The VT community is in all our prayers.</p>

Maybe it would help to write down your feelings in a journal and/or write a letter about Ryan and give it to his family so they can continue to see how he touched others' lives in a positive way.


<p>I think that CMA's idea is a wonderful one. I can tell you that when there was a death in my husband's family, he received a letter from someone that he did not know, but who knew this family member. My husband really did appreciate that letter very much, and shared that letter with others in our family. My husband wrote to the gentleman and let him know just how much he appreciated getting such a touching letter.</p>

<p>VT Engineer, So glad to hear you are safe. Have been thinking about you since Monday. We are all thinking about all you wonderful students and faculty. The pride and spirit you have all displayed have been uplifting.</p>

<p>Really glad to hear from you all....stay safe. My s is looking forward to joining you at VT next year in engineering. God bless</p>

<p>VT students - I am an alum of VT and I can't begin to relay to you the pride I feel for all of you. Every single student interviewed (that I have seen on tv) has conducted themselves with tremendous grace, pride and sensitivity to what has happened. I can not get Nikki Giovanni's powerful statement out of my mind. We will prevail! We are Virginia Tech! Ut Prosim!</p>