<p>My D had her acting audition on February 8 in LA. Has anyone, MT or Acting, who went to LA unifieds heard anything yet?</p>
<p>I know one who got a rejection and one who has not heard - which is a good thing!</p>
<p>I had a student at LA and one at Chicago for CCM and neither have heard anything.</p>
<p>My D hasn’t heard anything either…</p>
<p>We just found out. My D got into BFA Acting. We found out because we went on check status and it changed to “your accepted” and had “drama” as her listed major. We haven’t gotten her official envelope yet, but the check status was changed and tells how to confirm.</p>
<p>One from LA unifieds got in. Guy. They have gone past 10 guys and ten girls it appears.</p>