<p>I'm not asking if anyone here has ever heard of anyone who got rescinded.
Has anyone ACTUALLY been rescinded from college before, due to senioritis? If you have, what kind of grades did you get, to get your admission rescinded, and where did you get rescinded from?</p>
<p>Please don't post rumors you heard about unless they have been positively confirmed.</p>
<p>Curious… what are you hoping to learn? Of course there are people who get rescinded. What if you get a litany of “Here’s what happened to me…” What are you gonna learn other than DON’T screw up?</p>
<p>Most colleges (especially selective ones) have requirements that your grades don’t plummet. Of course there’s gonna be a range of what that means. Your request here isn’t gonna inform you of anything you intuitively don’t know already</p>
<p>according to the website of the National Association for College Admission Counseling
<p>In a 2006 article in the San Francisco newspaper they report
However as to your original question, I doubt you’re going to find any regular posters who write and say “I messed up and got revoked”. For that matter, revocations for current students won’t happen until the colleges see final transcripts this summer.</p>
<p>Students don’t get rescinded. Admissions do. You can have your admission rescinded or your admissions offer rescinded. It means “to get taken back.”</p>
<p>Yes, I agree that was nitpicky, but it’s a peeve.</p>