Has anyone transferred to the University of Toronto from a community college in the US?

I’m a second year student at a community college in California interested in transferring into the Computer Science program. How was the entire application process? How much transfer credit did you receive and what year were you placed in?

I cannot find any info on U of T’s website that says they will accept a transfer from a community college outside Ontario. The maximum number of credits that they will accept from a university is 5 (one full year’s worth). For transfers from Ontario colleges, the maximum number of credits that will transfer is 2 if a two year diploma has been completed or 5 if a three year diploma has been completed. http://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/futurestudents/admissions/transfer/

Computer science at U of T is competitive. Students’ first year computer science course marks are used to determine if they are eligible to join the major.