Has FUP accept anyone?

<p>I know FAP notified the people they accepted long ago, but has FUP notified anyone beyond the, "we got your application"?</p>


<p>any input from fellow FUPers who haven’t been notified is appreciated too :D</p>

<p>yea. i need to know too so i can make summer plans</p>

<p>They said a few weeks back on May 13… so maybe soon?</p>

<p>I haven’t been notified yet either. I think I heard something about June 5th?</p>

<p>bump. Any acceptance news?</p>

<p>This is why FOP > FUP :p</p>

<p>Dorm Crew ftw!</p>

<p>I do not remember when my kd got info but contact them by email </p>

<p>[url=<a href=“http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~fup/contact.html]FUP!![/url”>http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~fup/contact.html]FUP!![/url</a>]</p>

<p>Best part is they will introduce to you a lot about cambridge/harvard/boston life.</p>

<p>Did anyone else hear that their FUP decision was deferred? I already feel rejected and school hasn’t yet started.</p>

<p>im really sorry to here that cb36.</p>

<p>i got the acceptance email today.</p>

<p>I got my acceptance email today too!</p>

<p>Great… I was deferred to a later date as well… I don’t want to do dorm crew!..</p>

<p>S was “deferred” also.</p>

<p>I agree w/ Ace2209! lol
but I thought about applying for FUP instead…</p>



<p>picking up other people’s doodoo and condoms ftw!</p>

<p>i get paid 5 bucks an hour to clean bathrooms and see massive amounts of shaven hair ■■■</p>

<p>Do you mean to tell me that doing janitorial work for minimum wage isn’t fun? Unbelievable.</p>

<p>Hold on- I thought per hour we were paid $11.10 not 5 bucks??</p>

<p>^ Yeah I think it’s closer to that. My friend did dorm crew this year and she said she made ~ $20 for 2 hours of work.</p>